Menstruation is commonly known as “period”. All female humans and some other mammals have regular periods during their reproductive age. Menstruation is described as the periodic discharge of mucosal tissue and blood from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina.
Usually, the period starts when a girl is about eleven. Menstruation is the most important stage in a girl’s puberty. It is one of the major physical signs that a girl is becoming a woman.
Read till the end to know how to solve monthly periods problems and solutions for them. And also know how to solve ladies periods problem with natural remidies.
What Are The Reasons For Irregular Periods?
There are several causes of irregular periods. Here we have jotted down a few common causes.
- Extreme weight loss is one of the common causes of irregular periods.
- Overweight may many times cause menstrual problems.
- Eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia may lead to an imbalance of hormone, resulting in irregular periods.
- Too much exercise can throw off the exact time of menstrual bleeding and many times stop it. Endurance athletes usually have irregular periods.
- Stress regarding a particular problem can lead to an imbalance of hormone, resulting in irregular periods.
- Daily use of birth control pills can cause irregular periods.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome is a major problem in which a woman’s hormones that control menstruation are out of balance, and it can cause problems during periods.
- Thyroid disorders may cause irregular periods if blood levels of the thyroid hormone go too high or too low.
- The other health conditions that can cause irregular period cycle are diabetes, sexually transmitted disease, fibroids, endometriosis and tuberculosis.
- Irregular periods for 1-2 years after puberty are not unusual. It may take a few years for the hormones that regulate menstruation to settle into a pattern.
Natural Remedies To Regularize The Menstrual Cycle
How to solve irregular periods problem naturally.? An irregular periods problem is a common problem among women. There are many irregular periods’ symptoms like painful cramping, infrequent periods, missed periods, abnormal duration of bleeding, blood clots and changes in blood flow.
These specific symptoms immensely help to determine if irregular periods are occurring and answers for how to solve periods problem.
Carrot Juice
One of the most well-known home remedies for irregular periods should include carrot juice. Raw carrots improve the functions of hormones.
Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, potassium, molybdenum, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, niacin, manganese, phosphorous, folate, copper, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E and iron. The presence of iron in carrot juice helps to improve menstrual cycle problems.
Daily eating of carrots helps to repair the cellular structure of the epidermis which gives us protection from UV rays and it decreases the clustering of melanin granules that reduce brown spots and pigmentation.
It gives us healthy skin by decreasing sebum production and also lowers the problems of acne. Include carrot juice in the diet and drink two glasses of carrot juice for three months. A slight improvement will be noticed in menstrual cycle problem after three weeks.
The most effective irregular period’s home remedy should include ginger. It is highly beneficial in regulating women period cycle and also reduces menstrual pain. It is rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese.
Ginger improves the absorption of extremely essential nutrients in the body. According to researchers regular intake of ginger tea increases a man’s sperm count.
The presence of manganese in ginger helps to lower the risks of cancer, stroke, heart disease and infertility. At first boil two tea spoons of freshly ground ginger in one cup of water for 10 minutes. Then add a little sugar to it. Drink the mixture four times a day after meals until you reach the desired results.
Pumpkin Seeds
The most effective remedies for irregular periods should include pumpkin seeds. As pumpkin seeds help balance the hormones, they are useful in regulating the menstrual cycle.
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, protein and essential fatty acids. The presence of essential fatty acids in pumpkin seeds help to promote the production of the hormone.
Pumpkin seeds contain zinc that is the most critical trace mineral for male sexual function.
At first dry roast a handful of pumpkin seeds. Then grind them along with two tea spoons of jaggery into a fine powder. Take two teaspoons of this powder regularly on an empty stomach during the second half of your menstrual cycle (two weeks before the period starts).
Repeat this remedy until you reach the desired results.
Aloe Vera
The most effective treatment for irregular periods must include aloe vera. The yellow substance found under the skin of the aloe vera plant helps to lower the problems of irregular periods.
It promotes menstruation and also increases fertility among women. Aloe Vera gel can be utilized to heal wounds, and it contains in it the plant collagen which immensely helps to repair the skin.
Aloe vera is rich in amino acids, salicyclic acid, folic acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin C. At first extract aloe vera gel from an aloe vera leaf.
Add one tea spoon of honey to the aloe vera gel. Consume this regularly before having the breakfast. Repeat this remedy until you reach the desired results.
Grape Juice
The most effective home remedies for irregular period’s problem should include grape juice. Grape juice is very effective in regulating the monthly periods.
Grape fruit is a great source of copper, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, pantothenic acid, pectin, potassium, fiber and Vitamin B. The presence of a flavonoid named naringin in grape fruit regulates enzyme activity in the liver.
Pectin helps to remove harmful toxins from the body. The presence of Vitamin C in grape fruit helps to increase collagen production. Drinking a glass of grape juice for two weeks before the commencement of the periods reduces chances of missing them and also aids in their regulation.
Unripe papaya is considered useful in regulating the menstrual cycle. It works as a good emmenagogue and aids in proper contraction of muscles fibers of the uterus.
It is especially beneficial for irregular periods associated with stress and menopause. Papaya is rich in Vitamin C, carotenes, folate, potassium, pantothenic acid, B vitamins, magnesium, copper and fiber.
Regular eating of papaya prevents cancer, diabetes, asthma, stroke and also improves bone health. Drink unripe papaya juice daily for a couple of months until you reach the desired results. Avoid consuming the same when having the periods.
Turmeric is considered useful in regulating menstruation and balancing the levels of hormones. It works as a good emmenagogue and its emmenagogue properties aid in stimulating the menstrual flow.
Its anti inflammatory properties also help you in relieving menstrual pain. Turmeric is rich in sodium, Vitamin B6, insoluble fiber, fatty acids and amino acids.
Turmeric is used for stomach pain, heart burns, arthritis, diarrhea, stomach bleeding, intestinal gas, jaundice, loss of appetite, gallbladder disorders and liver problems.
It is also used for bronchitis, lung functions, colds, headaches, leprosy, cancer, kidney disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Take one cup of turmeric with honey and milk. Take it regularly for a few months until you see the desired improvement.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds can be included in a healthy diet for treating irregular menstrual periods. It acts as a strong emmenagogue. It promotes menstruation and its anti inflammatory properties also help you in relieving menstrual pain and abdominal cramps.
It aids in balancing female sex hormones.
At first soak one table spoon of fennel seeds in one glass of water for 8 hours. After eight hours stain the solution and drink it. Repeat this remedy until the irregular periods become regular. Try to prefere home remedies for irregular periods and fertility.
Yoga can help ease the infrequency and symptoms of the menstrual periods in various ways. The best yoga postures for irregular periods are Paschimottanasana, Ardha Chandrasana and Janu Sirshasana.
If you struggle with abdominal pains and cramps associated with menstrual periods, you can utilize the poses like head-to-knee pose and reclining bound angle pose. Yoga is one of the best home remedies for irregular periods and fertility.
Apply the above-mentioned natural home remedies to reduce the symptoms of irregular monthly periods problems and solutions for them.
Know how to solve periods problem naturally. Don’t forget to share your precious health tips with us for how to cure hormonal imbalance in menstruation.
I am Saraswati,i will get married Before 3 month… My age 24,from my marriage I suffer irregular periods and sonography reports says I suffer from PCOS, then how I get regular periods and how can I consive a baby
Hello Saraswati, Please relax even if you have pcod you can conceive and get pregnant with proper lifestyle modification and dietary changes.
Please go through this article very carefully and also follow the below supplements instructions
INLIFE L arginine
Dosage: Take one capsule twice a day after meal or as suggested by Healthcare Professional
INLIFE Whey protein Isolate Powder(400grams)
Dosage: Add 1 rounded scoop of INLIFE Whey protein isolate powder to 150ml glass of water or milk or favorite beverage and then add 1 or 2 ice cubes. Mix it and stir it for about 20-30 seconds or until the powder is completely dissolved.
Dear Ms. Mukta,
I am 29 years old and got married in February 2017 and after that settled in China with my husband in April 2017. My periods are regular till June-July 2017 but after that my periods getting irregular cycle (41 days,43 days) more than 8 month, one month or two months gap. Before marriage my menstruation cycle was regular cycle(28 days) sometimes only 5-7 days difference. Me and my husband try to conceive baby but at end got of negative results. I have already done my bloods tests and ultrasound done. Doctor said that I have no medical complication such as thyroid etc. She also check my ultrasound and said that last month I ovulate 1 egg which is not got raptured.
Last month also I missed my period, Doctor prescribed me some medicine to get my periods but it’s not coming yet. She also prescribed me some medicine which helps me to ovulate.
Now me and my husband is worried, as this time we are very sure about conceiving baby. We have done the pregnancy test which shows the results void after that we done ultrasound. We are not sure if the 7-8 days pregnancy can be seen in ultrasound and other tests.
Please suggest.
Hi Ekta, Firstly it is very important to check your husband’s report as well.
Also, It is important to know the exact reason for your periods not getting regular, it can be some hormonal imbalance as well.
And yes 5-7 days pregnancy is not visible it at least takes 2-3 weeks to confirm the same
Please keep patience as of now, I do not want to suggest anything as far as supplements are concerned as you might have conceived, so let us wait.
Hi my period is delayed and I am very concerned as it never happened with me at all.
I am taking moringa every morning
Hello Kiran, The major cause of irregular periods is a hormonal imbalance and which can be corrected. I suggest you follow the home remedies which are given. Include below foods to her diet and also start with below supplements as per now
Foods To Include
Sesame Seeds
Unripe Papaya
Cumin Seeds
Fennel Seeds
Supplements to Start as of Now
INLIFE Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother Vinegar
Dosage: Dilute 5-10 ML of ACV in a glass of water. Have it in an empty stomach in the morning and alternatively you can use this product with your meal as a salad dressing.
INLIFE Flaxseed oil capsules
Dosage:1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening after meals
Hello madam , thanks for the remadies which you have provided. I am trying to make my partner consive.. before marriage she is having regular cycle(28 days) After marriage only she’s getting irrugular cycle (41 days,43 days) more than 8 month. So always we are getting frustrate at the end of negativ result in getting consive…. is it normal? Do you have any remadies for this? Please suggest us
Hello Nimal, I do understand that it does become frustrating when you constantly try to conceive and you get failure, The major cause of irregular periods is hormonal imbalance and which can be corrected, I would advice you to mail her ultrasound abdomen pelvis sonography at, Also I would be needing a complete details of your wife with her all blood reports like- Age, Height, weight, Medications if Any and Medical problems apart from mentioned,. Also till then, I suggest you follow the home remedies which are given. Include below foods to her diet and also start with below supplements as per now
Foods To Include
Sesame Seeds
Unripe Papaya
Cumin Seeds
Fennel Seeds
Supplements to Start as of Now
INLIFE Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother Vinegar
Dosage: Dilute 5-10 ML of ACV in a glass of water. Have it in an empty stomach in the morning and alternatively you can use this product with your meal as a salad dressing.
INLIFE Flaxseed oil capsules
Dosage:1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening after meals
Hi it’s me Mamata Patil now am pregnant I have just 1 month 22 days pregnancy and doctor told me to still baby heart beat not came pregnancy is not confirm so doctor suggested medicines to improve is it work to progress my pregnancy it’s happens with a irregular period so I am working
Dear Mamata, No please if you have conceived then do not try any of these remedies and follow only what doctor is saying .
actually my daughter its been 3 months has continuously periods. She had taken lot of medicines from the doctors. but her problem didnt end.
please suggest
Hi Kanchan
Though I have already replied to your query but still giving your details here as well
For irregular periods
INLIFE Apple cider vinegar combination
Dosage: Dilute 5 – 10 ml of Inlife Apple cider vinegar with mother vinegar, garlic, ginger, lemon and honey in a glass of water. Have it in an empty stomach in the morning and alternatively you can use this product with your meal as a salad dressing.
INLIFE Shatavari capsules
Dosage:1 capsule 10 min before breakfast and 1 capsule 10 min before dinner
INLIFE Flaxseed oil capsules
Dosage:1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening after meals
Hey I am 15 years old but fr im last 10 months I am getting periods in every 18-20 days I got my first period when I was 11 can u plz suggest me something which can help me in this
Hello sanjana
The period cycle may seem like the norm for young girls, but there’s a predictable pattern that the vast majority of girls will follow during the first few years of periods. By keeping track of her periods on a calendar, you will be able to recognise what’s normal and what’s not.
As you get older, your cycles should become a bit more predictable and cycle length will fall into a narrower window. Later about 75% of girls will have cycles that occur every 21-34 days.
My self niriksha and m 25 years old I am married it happens before 6 months but earlier I became pregnent so I took aboit pills but now my periods are coming irregular about 25 days per month but now I want to become pregnent please suggest me any solutions like home remedies medicines
Hi Mamata this is the side effects of the pills which you have taken and it will take a year time to recover you can take below supplements which will help to regularize your menses
INLIFE Curcumin 95
Dosage: 1 cap in the morning, 1 cap in afternoon daily before meal
INLIFE Flax seed oil capsules veg
Dosage: 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening after meals
Which one I have to take 1st one or 2nd one
hello mamata
you have to take both
Hi am tanu my period is not coming on time but that time my stomch and body paining like during period so plz give me solution
Hi Tanu please follow the home remedies given in this article
Hlw mam,
after taking of ginger tea I am not getting period,I am very much tensed.i am suffering from last month me and my partner,we r not doing sex BT we r only done that’s why I am tensed.plz mam suggest me.
Hi Nupur irregular periods is one thing and skipping period or delaying the same for a month or 2 is different please mail me your exact concern at so that I can help you
Hi ,my name is Nickesha Henry. It’s my first time never had this,first it came with a pain then stop,but the bleeding jus come little bit little bit. No pain or so am scard cause this never happen before!! What is the cause, an how can it stop??
Hi Nickesha irregular periods can be due to many reason and also depend on age, I suggest you to visit a gyneacologist and take teh proper advice and find out the cause of your problem,
Hi my periods was normal but since last two months after i get periods bleeding doesnt stop and this im getting only spotting everyday but didnt bleed.. I dont have thyroid nor pcos., gyno has prescribed harmone tablets…plz help is this remedies helpfull to me
Hi jayalaskhmi do follow the below home remedies and also start using below medication
INLIFE Shatavari capsules
INLIFE evening primrose oil capsules
My wife is having pcod. She went for treatment and now she is getting period for every 10 days or 15 days.
So please suggest me……
Heavy periods or irregular frequent bleeding. This is more common in patients who are obese with PCOS.
But i still better you take her to doctor for the same.
Hey i am fifteen yrs old and i am suffering from white discharge when i had taken medicine for that i got my periods iregular i get it twice and sometimes thrice in a month plz suggest me something which works fast
Hello Sanjana you should be using below supplements for same
INLIFE Curcumin 95 Advanced
Dosage: 1 cap in the morning, 1 cap in afternoon daily before meal
INLIFE Immune care powder
Dosage: Take 10 grams (2 teaspoons) twice daily with water / milk.
…hey i used to drink turmeric with milk remedie n trust me my periods got normal ….it will be normal for 3-4 mnths then after that il hv irregular periods….what should i do to fix it permanently? pls reply
Hi I believe you should do a remedy continuously for 6-8 months as it is quite safe
mere periods 12 din bad aaye h or 1 din Aane k bad ruk gye
plz suggest kya kru
your on the right page.Follow the remedies suggested
Nice presentation,thank you for this clean information
You welcome Anusha and thanks for liking the article
Hai after practising yoga my periods get delayed what should I do
Hi Nitu period getting delayed with 5-10 days in a start of any new food or activity is quite natural if you having irregular periods for months together then try this natural ingredients in your diet and start having 1 tsp methi seeds soaked overnight and gulp in morning
Many women are facing irregular-periods problem. This easy remedies helpful in normalizing irregular menstrual. Thank you for sharing such type of remedies. Keep it up.
Thanks Devbabbar for appreciating the post
I got period twice in month since last two months….what should i do…???
Hi megha it happens sometimes as per now do not worry till it comes regularly if it continues for long you need to once check with your gyneac
previously i used to have normal then i was cured for PCOD after that treatment I was having my periods normally. But, now from last two months i m usually get periods in 17 or 18 days.
Hi see as far as your periods are coming every month you should not be worried and also you can try the home remedies which is given in this article .
i m worried a lot will i be able to pregnant and why it is coming so early. please help and suggest which one should i opt
Hi chandu periods coming early is completely ok as far as it is coming every month , stress can be one major reason of your periods coming early you can avoid having all foods which contains heat like- fenugreek, papaya,fried foods junk foods, cold drinks, cakes, bakery and start having orange juice, coconut water,sweet lime juice, watermeon etc
Please respond
thank u for valuble information
You most welcome
hi my girlfriend was hit puberty till 22years what is the solution for solve this problem
if i marry him how will we able create a child
Hi Tammu
I would advise you and your partner to visit a gynecologist for the same.
This was very helpful tips given but i want to know which is de best among this home remedy as i have thyroid and period flow is low
Pls suggest de best
Thank you
Hi Rida
All the home remedies given in the article are effective in treating irregular periods.
You can try any one of them for better results.
Very informative one …..Good luck
Thanks stonecarriezz for liking the article
ttnku..for these valuable information………………
You welcome feby