Kids are moody. Kids are undisciplined. Kids are filled with many discrepancies that people consider a kin to their age and believe that once maturity sets in, they will grow out of it.
But sometimes, those so-called minor discrepancies take major forms, to a clinical extent. In many cases, people don’t “grow out of it”.
And these are certainly not cases of slouchy moods or bad parenting. This is a case of a
neurological disorder that affects children and in many cases continues well up to their adolescence and old age. This condition is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Also known as hyperkinetic disorder, and many times put in the same bracket as ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder), an estimated 3-5 % children are affected by ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), this results about 2 million children in the US itself.
Types Of ADHD
It is important to mention that ADHD is considered to be a behavioral disorder, more than a neurological disorder. In the neurological jargon, ADHD is often classified under anti-social personality disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder.
However, considering the predominant traits, the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), classified ADHD as follows.
Predominantly Inattentive Type
“Inattention” being the keyword here, the patient finds it very difficult to focus on the tasks given to him. Also finishing tasks in a designated time is a matter of great difficulty for him/her.
Predominantly Hyper impulsive Type
This trait is often a defining trait in children. The affected finds very hard to stay still, moving and fidgeting for the sake of it is a must for them. Waiting patiently in line, or for their turns is an art that they can’t ever master.
A Combined Type
The type of patients which have both the above-mentioned traits with equal predominance.
How ADHD Does Differ From ADD?
ADHD patients and ADD patients often have common symptoms, but there is one basic difference between them. ADD patients may or may not have hyperactivity.
ADHD is a term that is being used by the DM-IV-TR and ADD is a term used in the older, DSM-IIIR. Hence in many earlier articles and journals, ADD has been equated to ADHD.
ADHD In Adults
Around 66% of children diagnosed with ADHD notably demonstrates all the traits of the condition, throughout their adult life.
It is mainly because the nonchalance those adults have into believing that they have ADHD, it becomes increasingly difficult for it to get diagnosed with them.
However, major works have been done in this since the early 1970’s. It is increasingly advised by doctors, for adults, especially those with a history of ADHD, that any recurrent conditions or symptoms akin to ADHD, must not be ignored.

Generalized Symptoms Of ADHD
As the name suggests, the key symptoms of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. It is noteworthy that all three symptoms are behaviors synonymous with that of a childish nature, but in ADHD patients these symptoms are present with greater intensity.
For ADHD In Children, The Common Symptoms Are
- Inability to pay attention to details, prone to making constant silly mistakes in school work.
- Is unable to get homework finished in time.
- Have problems of daydreaming and zoning out.
- Restless, over-active and is constantly fidgeting.
- Cannot constantly focus on one task.
- Often interrupts conversations.
- Have trouble following instructions and processing information as fast as other children.
- Have inappropriate responses, have trouble in managing emotional outbursts.
- Face severe difficulty standing in a queue or in any other scenarios where they have to wait for their turns.

For ADHD In Adults, The Symptoms Are As Follows
- Constantly motivating one’s becomes extremely difficult. Gets more prone to slouchy behavior and a constant habit of procrastination.
- Regulating one’s behavior is similarly difficult for children and adults diagnosed with ADHD, respectively. This often leads to them, unknowingly violating the social norms and hence being considered anti-social or rude or just stupid.
- Emotional instability is also one of the main symptoms. Problems in maintaining relationships, irresponsible behavior, getting angry easily, maintain a line of focus and priority are some key feature in a person that helps to diagnose ADHD in them.

Causes Of ADHD
In spite of not knowing the exact reasons behind ADHD, heredity and genetic reasons are assumed to be prime causes of it. The other causes are as follows:
- Some neurotransmitters are deemed responsible for ADHD, dopamine being an important one in them. People diagnosed with ADHD are found to have different levels of such chemicals. Research is going on in this topic.
- There is a common belief that having refined sugar in your diet increases the possibility of having ADHD.
- Children having brain injuries are more prone to ADHD.
- Environmental factors do play a part in these patients.
Cure For ADHD
Medications and psychotherapy treatments are often used together to cure ADHD. Stimulant medications are often used. For example Ritalin, Focalin, Concerta, Cycet and Adderall.
Along with these anti-depressants are also necessary to combat the emotional instability in these patients. Medications for sleep are also provided.
However, extensive drug use can cause substantial side effects.
Different methods of psychotherapy are often used for treatment. Behavioral therapy, teaching kids how to be organized; culminating social skills have resulted in a notable reduction in ADHD.

Notable People With ADHD
Scared that you have no future after being diagnosed with ADHD? Here’s a list of people, who suffered from ADHD, and yet managed to make a mark with their work.
- Socrates
- Napoleon
- Christopher Columbus
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Albert Einstein
- Nicolai Tesla
- Winston Churchill
- John F. Kennedy
- Pablo Picasso
- Leo Tolstoy
- Michael Jordan
- Will Smith
If they can, so can you.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder वाले 9 साल कि लड़की के लिए कौन-सा सप्लीमेंट देना चाहिए?
Below are the supplements for 9-year-old Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
INLIFE Fish Oil double strength
Dosage: Take 2 capsules after meal or as suggested by Healthcare Professional
Hello Ratnakar,
Below is the supplement which you should give for ADHD, but please once check with your doctor.
INLIFE Fish Oil double strength
Dosage: Take 2 capsules after meal or as suggested by Healthcare Professional