Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Know About Benefits Of Physical Activities for Teenagers

Teenagers generally need an hour of physical activity every day to help stay healthy. Keeping fit and also healthy life provides more than the obvious health benefits, it can help improve a teenager’s mood, sharpen their mind and help their skin too. Exercise guidelines for all the teenagers The 60 minutes of exercise should combine […]

Home Remedies To Treat Freckles

Home Remedies To Treat Freckles

Freckles are one such woe of your skin that most of the people don’t want to deal with. So, what exactly are these freckles? Freckles are tiny brown spots on the skin that appears most commonly on the facial skin, arms and shoulders and other sun exposed areas of the skin. People with fair skin […]

Best Ways to Reduce Post Workout Soreness

Best Ways to Reduce Post Workout Soreness

If working out more is part of your everyday resolution, you may want to prepare by looking into natural home methods of soothing sore, tired muscles after your daily workout. While muscle soreness is simply part of working out, there are ways to reduce this necessary pain. Generally muscle soreness is a sign of trauma. […]

Home Remedies To Treat Brain Fog

What is Brain fog? Brain fog is also known as cognitive dysfunction, it is of the conditions that affects both genders of all ages. Brain fog is characterized by states of confusion or a decreased level of clarity. Simply put, a condition that can cause forgetfulness and trouble concentration on some task. Most of the […]

Warm Up Exercises To Protect Your Back

Warm Up Exercises To Protect Your Back

A thorough warm-up exercise is one of the essential parts in keeping a healthy back, not to think healthy muscles & joints throughout the rest of your body. All it takes is 5-10 minutes to give your spine a proper warm-up exercise, making it for the cardio or weightlifting exercise ahead. Back pain is one […]

Home Remedies To Treat Cold Feet

Cold feet is a very common problem amongst people with very poor blood circulation. Your feet get cold when they do not get adequate amount of oxygen supply due to poor blood flow. Though this condition can be a result of several other health problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome, anaemia, restless leg syndrome, nerve […]

Home Remedies To Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Home Remedies To Treat Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia that is a degenerative disease of the brain and alzheimer’s. It results in serious impairment, hindering the ability to think clearly. Early signs of dementia often indicates alzheimer’s disease. However, the Alzheimer’s disease does not affect only the elderly, but may strike when a person is in […]

Home Remedies To Remove Your Ear Wax

Home Remedies To Remove Your Ear Wax

Generally all know that ear wax is not a major problem, until it becomes impacted. It can be relieved quickly at home. However, ear wax buildup can cause serious conditions like vertigo, tinnitus and temporary ear hearing loss. Though, there are always lot of methods available in the today market for ear wax removal, but […]

Home Remedies To Treat Muscular Dystrophy

What is muscular dystrophy? Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases that damage and weaken your muscles over time. This damage and weakness is due to the lack of a protein called dystrophin, which is necessary for normal muscle function The absence of this protein can cause problems with walking, swallowing, and muscle coordination. […]