Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Home Remedies For Excessive Armpit Sweating

Home Remedies For Excessive Armpit Sweating

Sweating is one of the right natural processes of the human body by which it releases its toxins, but what if that natural course of action becomes deviant by becoming a disorder? Unnecessary sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a disorder that is out of the ordinary and so a typical that it can even embarrass you. […]

Home Remedies For Healthy And Silky Hair

Home Remedies For Healthy Silky Hair

Which woman generally does not want shiny, healthy silky hair? In fact, hair dyes, blow dryers, straighteners, overexposure to sun & chlorinated water are only a few of numerous factors that cause the loss of moisture and shine and make our hair look brittle, frizzy and dry. If you are looking for few essential home […]

How To Prevent Premature Aging ?

How To Prevent Premature Aging ?

Most of us are familiar with the term anti-aging and you may have heard mention of the natural aging process, but premature aging is different. Premature aging is when your skin undergoes an unnatural aging process, such as with extreme sun exposure or living with an unhealthy lifestyle. Unnatural aging is almost always due to […]

Home Remedies To Deal With Choking Throat

Home Remedies To Deal With Choking Throat

Choking throat is no fun, it feels as if something is stuck interfering with one’s ability to swallow. There may be pain and hoarseness of voice as well. Often, a cold or an upper respiratory infection could cause such symptoms of ‘choked throat’. Symptoms  Coughing or gagging   Hand signals and panic (sometimes pointing to […]

How To Prevent Kidney Diseases ?

How To Prevent Kidney Diseases ?

Kidneys are the organs which filter waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body. You might think that the kidneys only filter waste from your body, but your kidneys also regulate your blood pressure, protect your bones, and keep minerals […]

Do’s and Dont’s Of Breast Feeding Mothers

Do's and Dont's Of Breast Feeding Mothers

Breast feeding is the healthiest start by which you can give to your baby. Breastfeeding for the first few months of your infant’s life is optimum. Taking special care to encourage the milk production and avoiding habits which will diminish beneficial nutrients are good examples. New moms generally tend to feel overwhelmed with the ’overload’ […]

How Swimming Helps To Lose Weight?

How Swimming Helps To Lose Weight?

Swimming for body fitness can improve your digestion and sleep patterns, lower your cholesterol levels, keep you well-toned. Swimming is one of the best cardiovascular, low impact and non-weight bearing physical activities which we have to participate in.  Swimming is an ideal exercise for people who are obese and have not been active for long […]

Foods That Can Prevent Thrombocytopenia

Foods That Can Prevent Thrombocytopenia

Do you suffer from thrombocytopenia low blood platelet count? If yes, then you ought to include foods which increase the blood platelets in your body. However, apart from the medications that your health care professional has prescribed, you also have to include the foods which protect your body from losing too much of blood when […]

Home Remedies For Melasma And Pigmentation

Melasma And Pigmentation

The craving to have a healthy and shining skin is common in both ladies and gents, and we always look for the answers to the question of how to gain a shining skin naturally in grandma’s book of remedies, herbal treatments, and ayurvedic cures. Melasma or hyperpigmentation is a particular skin condition followed by scattered […]