Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

What Is Inflammation And How To Treat It ?

What is inflammation and how to treat it ?

How many times have you seen something called as “inflammatory”? From Omega-6 fats to stress to sugar, everything bad seems to cause inflammation – but what actually is inflammation and why is it such a problem? And if it is so dangerous, why do our bodies keep doing it in response to everything which they […]

Supplements That Help Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Supplements that help get rid of dark circles

If you have dark circles under your eyes, you may be stymied about how to minimize their appearance or make them go away completely. Hereditary factors and lack of sleep are not the only contributing few factors in developing the skin condition, dark under-eye circles. It is essential to know that even the nutrients that […]

Exercise For Pregnancy In Third Trimester

A woman who likes to do exercises during pregnancy will do enjoy many health benefits, including better cardiovascular fitness, improved mood, and weight control. Low to moderate intensity activity has been since from recommended for years. Even vigorous activity, like jogging, can be maintained throughout pregnancy with permission from your doctor. Still, there are few […]

How Yoga Helps In The Crucial Things Of Our life?

How yoga helps in the crucial things of our life?

If you are looking for weight loss, flexible body, a strong body and glowing beautiful skin, peaceful mind, whatever it may be, yoga has its own advantages. However, very often, yoga is only partially understood as being limited to few yoga asanas. As such, its advantages are only perceived to be at the body level […]

History Of International Yoga Day And Its Objectives and New trends of Yoga

History of International Yoga day and its objectives and New trends of Yoga

History International yoga is also called as the world yoga day. 21st of June was declared as the International Yoga Day by the United Nations General Assembly on 11th of December 2014. In India, yoga is considered to nearly 5000-year-old physical, mental and spiritual practice. Yoga was originated from India back in the Ancient Indian […]

List Of Food You Shouldn’t Eat If You Have Heart Burn or acid reflux

List of food you shouldn't eat if you have heart burn or acid reflux

You know it all pretty well. Heartburn! That fiery sensation which grabs hold of your lower chest after you eat something you know you shouldn’t have. However, what often follows is that sour or bitter taste of heartburn or acid reflux in your mouth and throat that can last minutes, maybe if you are lucky, […]

Prevent and treat your mold allergies using these tips that works!

Prevent and treat your mold allergies using these tips that works!

Mold is a type of fungus which grows in moisture, either indoors or else outdoors. While the mold spores constantly floating in the air can trigger the reactions, the problem worsens when the people whose spores attach to a wet surface and then mold begins to grow. You may also have mold growing inside of […]

Throw away these things from your home immediately to stay healthy

Throw away these things from your home immediately to stay healthy

When we talk about the steps you need to take to get healthier, they often involve buying new things: workout clothes, fitness equipment, ingredients for healthy recipes, and the list goes on. But becoming the healthiest version of yourself also means throwing away the stuff that’s holding you back and we don’t only mean junk […]