Exercise For Pregnancy In Third Trimester

A woman who likes to do exercises during pregnancy will do enjoy many health benefits, including better cardiovascular fitness, improved mood, and weight control. Low to moderate intensity activity has been since from recommended for years. Even vigorous activity, like jogging, can be maintained throughout pregnancy with permission from your doctor. Still, there are few precautions pregnant women must take into consideration to keep both mom and baby healthy.

During pregnancy, joints will get loose and balance is more difficult by doing exercises that stabilize the connections at the joints will prevent injury.

Physical Changes

Beginning with the 28th week of the pregnancy, a woman enters her third and final trimester. Late pregnancy is commonly marked by steady weight gain, shortness of breath, renewed fatigue and an increasing anticipation of childbirth. Some women also experience general discomfort which can lead to restlessness and difficulty sleeping. The increasing weight of the uterus puts pressure on pelvic floor muscles, which can result in bladder leakage while coughing, sneezing or laughing. The uterus can also put pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing sciatica, a shooting pain that runs from the buttock down the back of the thigh. Calf cramps and pelvic pain are two other typical symptoms of late pregnancy.

Walking and Jogging

Walking and Jogging

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for pregnant women who are in the third trimester, it requires little more than a pair of shoes and a sidewalk. If walking is not enough of a cardiovascular challenge, try jogging instead. Pregnancy is not the time to start a running routine, but if you have kept it up through week 27, there is no need to stop unless you have certain health issues or discomfort.

Swimming and Aqua Aerobics

Swimming and Aqua Aerobics

If you have access to a pool, you should take advantage of aqua sports. Lap swimming is an excellent exercise for the total body. It can also be therapeutic for the women who have aches and pains. Water takes the pressure off of tired legs and also backs and helps prevent overheating. Keep in mind that exertion, even in cool water, produces sweat. If you swim for long periods, hydrate as you would while doing other workouts on land.

There are lots of aerobics classes which have been adapted for underwater enjoyment.  Aqua jogging is wonderful for runners who don’t feel comfortable with impact in later pregnancy. Some gyms are even putting stationary bikes in the water.

Yoga, Pilates, Barre, and Other Low-Impact Exercises

Yoga, Pilates, Barre, and Other Low-Impact Exercises

Low-impact exercises, such as yoga, Pilates, barre, and also other fitness hybrids, are great for women in their third trimester. These workouts will generally target all the major muscle groups, which can help you, to feel fit and strong for birth. Try taking classes specifically designed for pregnant women. The poses are modified so they are safe and more comfortable for baby and mom grow in those final weeks.

Pilates is a fantastic way for women to build core stability during third-trimester pregnancy. The core weakens as the bump grows, and can lead to back pain and sciatica.” Classic Pilates mat moves “strengthen the deepest abdominal muscle, the transversus abdominus, which improves overall your posture and can be useful when pushing.

Research has shown that yoga can ease the anxiety and depression that sometimes accompanies pregnancy. Pregnant women were generally assigned a 20-minute yoga class from weeks 22 through 34. The results were positive in all areas of physical and mental wellbeing.

Body Weight and Toning Moves

Body Weight and Toning Moves

Heavyweights can prove dangerous in the third trimester, especially if you are not used to lifting. Try body weight workouts, like squats, modified planks, and wall push-ups, to maintain your strength. Avoid crunches and ab work that have you flat on your back. In the third trimester of pregnancy lying on your back for long periods of time can be tricky. Try side-lying work which helps stabilize muscles as well as your glutes, outer hip, inner thigh, and hamstring.

Try basic bicep curls, lateral raises, and also triceps work with a pair of 2- to 5-pound dumbbells.

The third trimester of pregnancy is filled with all the sorts of thoughts, emotions, and even physical qualms. Even just 20 -30 minutes of exercise in a day can alleviate many of these symptoms, giving you a boost of energy and strengthening your body for the ultimate feat, delivery. These healthy habits are wonderful to develop now and to continue once you get the go-ahead from your doctor in postpartum period as well. You are on the home stretch. Keep on moving!


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