Sometimes we might just wonder about the reasons for the certain things we follow traditionally. Do you have a love/hate relationship with your bread? It is a staple of numerous people’s diets. Also, it is a top source of calories. Which is it? So, is it OK to eat? Is it a boon or bane? Or is the idea that bread is good for us half-baked? It is probably one of the oldest staple foods in the world. The consumption in fact, for breakfast, is high in our country. However, the bread-eaters, are you aware that in spite of all the goodness, it has some bad sides of eating the loaf too? Here is what you have to know, the yays and nays of eating bread.
The Yays Of Eating Bread
Loaded with B-Vitamins
Similar to many other whole grain foods, whole grain/whole wheat bread is rich in B-Vitamins, especially, Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine except white bread. Vitamin B6 a water-soluble vitamin and is essential to metabolize food and form the heme in red blood cells, that is necessary to carry the oxygen around your body. B-Vitamin is also linked to helping relieve stress in the body as well as reducing PMS symptoms.
Top source of fiber
Again, this is only applicable to whole grain bread which contains all three parts of the grain, that means they are not refined. If you can get your hands on this type of bread, then you’ll be loading your body up on fiber. Eating a diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of heart disease and encourage proper bowel function, therefore, it reduces constipation. Additionally, these bread increase the feeling of fullness to help with weight loss and management.
Innumerable minerals
The whole wheat bread is a great source of phosphorus and magnesium, two minerals that are needed to maintain teeth and bones. Also, Magnesium is needed for proper muscle function, promoting healthy blood pressure and energy production. And the whole-wheat grains are rich in selenium, that supports immune function and it is necessary for proper thyroid hormone activity.
While this may not be a health benefit, but bread is certainly a convenient food. It will not spoil easily. Bread transports well, and you play mix and match diet with almost anything. So, it is very easy to use it to build a healthy food, depending on what ingredients as well as which type of bread you use as the base for the meal.
The Nays Of Consuming Bread
Inadequate Energy Production
The white loaf lacks in vitamin B which abstains your body cells from converting carbohydrates into required energy. As carbohydrates provide 75 % of the energy to the body, the lack of vitamin B can affect your brain as well as the functioning of other internal organs. As a result, you may start feeling lethargic due to less energy production.
Bread and Type 2 Diabetes
Eating a few starchy foods such as bread, and less red meat, sugar-sweetened beverages, and processed food along with an increased intake of veggies, fruits, whole grains and fish decreases the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Consuming any kind of carbs raises blood sugar levels. But carbs are not all the same. Refined grains and sugars raise blood sugar faster than the complex carbs, found in foods like beans and other vegetables.
The Battle Of Bulge And Bread
Is bread to blame for your extra pounds? Well, maybe. That is because we go overboard on bread as well as the other highly refined grains. So, win the weight loss battle by taking a great control of your diet. When you are tired, hungry, or stressed, you tend to reach for this products usually, not carrot sticks. Here, the problem is, the more you eat bread, the more you want it.
It is absolutely up to you to be the judge whether or not you want to let it back into your life after the Passover comes to an end. In spite of its many pitfalls, the majority of us may most likely never give up this food completely, and there is no real necessity at all. Still, bread dominates whole shopping cart aisles. The key when it comes to bread is moderation. Only the right amount will supply you with plenty of healthy benefits, while too much can contribute the complications.