Category Archives: Health

The Fruit with Diverse Benefits: Garcinia Cambogia

What is Garcinia Cambogia? Garcinia Cambogia is also popularly known as the Brindle Berry, Malabar Tamarind, Kudampuli and Garcinia Gummi-Gutta. This is a small, sweet tropical tree fruit shaped just like a pumpkin fruit. It is a tropical species of Garcinia, which is native to Indonesia. The tropical fruit is popularly used as a weight-loss supplement […]

Thyroid disease- A complete guide on the uncovered facts

What is Thyroid? This is a large ductless gland in the neck which is responsible to secrete hormones regulating growth and development through the rate of metabolism. The thyroid functions as a large cartilage of the larynx, a projection of which forms the Adam’s apple in humans. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is found in […]

Soy Isoflavones- The Real Protein Element

What is soy protein? Soy protein is protein that have been isolated from the soybean cakes. It is prepared from soybean meal that has been dehulled and defatted. The dehulled and defatted soybeans are processed into three different kinds of high protein commercial products, known as soy flour, concentrates, and isolates. One of these kinds is what we call as the Soy […]

Gymnema Sylvestre- The tree of light for the body requirements

What do you mean by Gymnema? Gymnema means the Tree of Light, is a woody climbing shrub found in India and Africa. Gymnema plant has a long history of usage in the history of India’s Ayurvedic medicine. The Hindi name for Gymnema is “Gurmar”, that literally means “destroyer of sugar.” The leaves of this plant are used to […]

Coenzyme Q10 capsules – the Storehouse of Good Health

What is Coq10? Nowadays, we hear a lot about CoQ10, which is slowly emerging as a lifesaver. It is actually a nutritional supplement, which is literally found in almost every cell of a human body. Coenzyme Q10, as they are also known as, are found inside the mitochondria of a cell, and are rod-shaped. They […]

Glucosamine and MSM- The building blocks for the cartilage

What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine is an amino acid effective for the formation of cartilage, obtained in a form of combined salt like- Glucosamine Hydrochloride or Glucosamine Sulphate. Generally derived from crab shells, they are found to be non-allergic to maximum people apart from the ones allergic to people from shellfish. Glucosamine is one of the […]

Arjuna – The real herbal hero for the Heart

What is Arjuna herb? Arjuna is a real herbal hero for the Heart and its related diseases. Terminalia Arjuna is a tree that is derived from the genus of Terminalia. The bark of the Arjuna tree has been since long for preparing Arjuna supplements that are beneficial for the heart, angina, and its related side effects. Arjun for heart(Terminalia Arjuna) extracts have been […]

Want To Win Your Battle With The Bulge? Chitosan Provides An Effective Solution

Are you tired of searching for natural remedies that can help you lose fat in a steadfast and proper manner, yet lessen your cholesterol and body weight? Chitosan is one such dietary supplement which is sourced from the most unlikely component that you can think of when you talk of weight loss. Hundreds of dieters […]

Test Your Flu I.Q. – Are you prepared for the monsoons?

What is it? Influenza is basically a viral infection which attacks the respiratory tract and majorly affects the throat, nose, and even lungs in serious cases. The symptoms of influenza usually start emerging from the first day to the fourth day right after infection. They may also appear all of a sudden. For most of […]