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Facts On Antisocial Personality Disorder- A Destructive Disorder

  Antisocial-Personality-Disorder Antisocial Personality Disorder or ASPD is defined as a chronic mental condition, rather a type of it, in which the person’s way of perceiving a situation or thinking as well as relating to other persons is dysfunctional or destructive. People with such a disorder quite typically disregard wishes, feelings and the rights of those around People have a disability from this Antisocial Personality Disorder often tend to behave harshly, antagonize, and manipulate others. They’re disobeying the law might put them in trouble, yet they do not show any feeling of remorse or guilt. They are found to lie, behave impulsively and violently and are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Thus, the path they follow or their lifestyle makes them irresponsible is daily social life.


The symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder might begin in the childhood and become prominent while they are in their twenties or thirties. Being cruel to animals, social isolation, poor performance in school, anger, impulsiveness, bullying behavior are in most cases the initial signs of this disorder. Other Antisocial personality disorder symptoms and signs may include the following Though considered to be a lifelong issue, there are some symptoms like an addiction to alcohol or drugs, destructive or criminal behavior has a chance of decreasing with time. However, it has not been proven if it is due to aging or because the victim is aware of the effects of this antisocial behavior.


Basically, personality is a combination of emotions, behaviors, thoughts which make every one unique. Personality is the key through which people unlock the doors leading to the outside world and how they consider themselves to be. Personality usually is formed during childhood, and shaped through the interaction of the following factors: Personality disorders are caused by the mixture of environmental and genetic influences. Some may carry genes which cause them to be vulnerable to develop antisocial personality disorder and even situations in life can trigger its development.

Problems faced

A person having antisocial personality disorder may face a lot of problems in different areas of life, especially work and personal areas. People around may also be affected by the behavior exhibited by the subject. The issues that are commonly reported among people having antisocial personality disorder includes:


The antisocial personality disorder is seen in a wide range of psychiatric patients, varying from three to thirty percent. It is usually seen among those who have been exposed to abuse and violence, like prisoners. About forty-seven percent of males and twenty-one percent of female prisoners have antisocial personality disorder.


It is considered to be the most difficult personality disorder to treat. Such individuals can be very charming and simultaneously be dishonest. They often try to change but fail due to lack of inspiration. Often, they are seen to manipulate fellow patients and be aggressive towards medical staff. The therapists of people having ASPD usually focus on methods that are rational and speak of avoiding past mistakes.
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