Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Our human body consists 70% of water. We have water present everywhere in our human body be it blood, organs and muscles. Water is present in our bones as well. We always think that excess water can never harm us. But you might not know, it can actually harm us. Water Retention is a health condition that occurs due to excess of fluids inside the body. This is also called as Fluid retention or Edema.  As a result of this, it leads to swelling in your hands, legs, feet and ankle.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Know the cause of Water Retention

Fluids rich in nutrients, multivitamins and oxygen pass through the tiny blood vessels called Capillaries and gets distributed into the nearby tissues.

When the pressure inside these capillaries changes, there is a high chance of an individual getting affected with Water Retention. This can also happen when the capillaries wall becomes weak and the excess of water gets filled between the spaces of cells.

The water that is released out in the tissues usually contains a combination of water and proteins. So the doctor often connects water retention with proteins breakage and give medication to break the proteins in between the tissues.


  • Swelled body parts
  • Tummy being bloated
  • Body stiffness
  • Weight fluctuations

Food Remedies to treat Water Retention

Consume less salt:

Salt contains chloride and sodium. The main function of sodium is to bind the water inside the body and maintain the balance of fluid both inside and outside the cells.When you tend to have food that has high salt contain, a lot of water might get retained in your body. So it is often advised not to have high levels of sodium intake.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Have food that has good level of Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important mineral for our human body. Magnesium helps the human body in many ways like maintaining the blood pressure, keeps our bones strong and also helps in keeping the heart beat rhythm steady. Food that is high in magnesium intake is whole grains, leafy vegetables, nuts and dark chocolate. You get a lot of magnesium supplements as well in the market. As per a recent study,  it was concluded that magnesium intake helps in reducing the water retention, especially for women. So go for these foods that are rich in magnesium levels and see the change for yourself.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Go by Vitamin B6 food

Consuming food that is rich in Vitamin B6 helps in reducing the water retention. Vitamin B6 is one among the several other vitamins that are needed by our body. They are needed for the formation of red blood cells and also assist in many other body functions. We have several foods that are rich in Vitamin B6 like Banana, Walnuts, Potatoes. They are present even in meat as well.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Consume food that has good Potassium level

Potassium can help reduce water retention by reducing the sodium level in the body through the increase in urination. Potassium acts as a food as well as an electrolyte. It is responsible for conducting electrical impulses throughout our body. They assist in functioning like BP, Nerve impulses, maintain the water balance, Digestion, Muscle contraction and much more.  Foods that a rich source of Potassium is Tomatoes, Avocados, and Banana.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

You can go for Dandelion

Dandelion also called as Taraxacum officinale. It is a natural herb used for diuretics. The term diuretics here refers to any substance that encourages diuresis which helps in excessive urination. By this,sodium can be removed from the body.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Don’t go for Refined carbs

Refined carbs promote in shooting up the Blood Pressure and Insulin levels.High insulin will make the body to retain more sodium by increasing the absorption of sodium through the kidneys. Due to this, the fluid volume will increase.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Parsley and Hibiscus

Parsley and  Hibiscus both acts like a diuretic and can help in increasing the urination and washing out the excess sodium from the body.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Garlic and  Fennel

Garlic is known for its various health benefits. Water retention can be reduced even with a small intake of garlic. This acts as a diuretic as well.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention

Fennel also has natural diuretic properties so will help you with water retention.

Food Remedies To Treat Water Retention


Having a healthy balanced nutritional diet along with the prescribed medication can surely make you see the difference for yourself!


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