Healthy Body, Wealthy Heart!
Heart disease or technically better known as cardiovascular disease is more or less affecting every other person living around us. A major part of the 21st-century human population is plagued by the heart ailment. Heart disease or cardiovascular disease causes most human deaths around the globe. Such an infestation of the disease is due to several reasons.
One of the major and also evident boons that our society has been blessed with is the development at a technological level with the rise in machines in all aspect of human life. Though this side of advancement is definitely advantageous, yet this also has several backlashes upon us. With the huge rise in electrical appliances, the proportionate conclusion is our misplaced faith on them and therefore leading to a huge inactivity at a physical level essentially. It is a known fact that inactivity at a physical level is the root cause of several of the diseases that our modern civilization is cursed with. The world of men is affected by heart problem much earlier than the world of women.
Heart disease is the leading assassin in the world of men and women. It also surpasses the body count which is reached by all kinds of cancers. Being diagnosed with a heart disease also ushers in depression within one’s mind and tends to modify our general outlook on life. Sometimes it sets in the tremendous amount of depression within one’s mind which might lead to binge eating, better known as overeating. But controlling the eating habits with very little amount of guidance can help to lower your cholesterol levels, lower your blood sugar level and maintain a healthy weight thus eventually leading to a better mood.
Though we all know that a healthy diet can solve our problem, yet we all get confused about where to initiate with, in this subject. To understand this, we need to be informed that, for a healthful heart we all are required to follow an overall balanced diet. No single magical food can ever cure this kind of a disease. Therefore we all need to introduce various kinds of nutritious food, cooked nutritiously into our regular diet routine. The following points will help us to understand this in a better way:
Red meat provides our body with saturated fats, the kind which should completely be avoided. Also, a person should avert packed food items with the high concentration of sugar or sodium. Also, too much sugar is not good for a healthy heart.
Therefore, we can clearly see that we have to embrace foods with more nutritional value. We must also remember to avoid saturated and Trans fat containing food from our diet. While doing this one must also know that all kinds of fat are not that bad and is required by our body itself. These are Omega 3 fatty acids (found in canola oil, salmon, trout and walnuts), Omega 6 fatty acids (various kinds of seeds, soy nuts, vegetable oils etc.) and Monosaturated fats (pecans, peanuts, butter made from these nuts, avocados, cashew and almond). Also, people who are analyzed with huge cholesterol can lower it with fish or fish oil supplements.