Home Remedies for Ear Infection


Infections in the ear are caused due to bacteria and virus in the middle ear. And these occur much more often in children than adults. Some causes of the ear infections include wax buildup, food allergies, genetics, upper respiratory infections, allergies due to the environment, fetal alcohol syndrome and internal injuries.


Some common symptom of this kind of infection are an earache, tugging at the ear, headache, difficulty sleeping, high fever, poor response to sounds, diarrhea, vomiting, and so on.

It is very important to treat an ear infection otherwise it can result in complications including rupturing and damage to the ear drum.  It can even cause deafness. Consult a doctor for help, but for the immediate action, you can try some home remedies.

Ear Infections – Natural remedies to cure it.


Salt for ear infection

It is always readily available in the kitchen

  • Heat one cup of salt for a few minutes on low heat.
  • Place the hot salt on cloth  and tie a knot on the open end.
  • Lay down and put the cloth on the affected area for about 8 to 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this process as many times as needed.

This method will relieve pain and swelling.

Garlicgarlic for ear infections

It has antibacterial properties that fight off infections and relieves pain and swelling. There are many ways to use garlic as a home treatment.

  • Prepare garlic oil by boiling two to three garlic cloves in coconut oil or mustard oil until it turns light brownish. Strain the mixture and allow it to cool down to room temperature. When it cools down pour two to three drops of this oil in the infected area as drops.
  • Another way is to boil garlic cloves in water and then crush them and after adding some salt, apply it on the affected area.
  • Consume three to four cloves of garlic daily to speed up the healing process.


You can use basil leaves to treat your ear infection. It has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve the pain and reduce infection.

  • Crush some basil leaves and extract their juice. Apply it on the affected area and be cautious to avoid getting any juice into the ear canal.
  • Another choice is to mix basil leaves in coconut oil. Use a cotton ball to apply it. Just wipe it inside the ear, behind the ear and around the outer edge.
  • Repeat this procedure twice daily.

Apple Cider VinegarApple Cider Vinegar for ear infections

It can be used to get rid of the fungus that is causing an ear infection.

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar in the equal amount of water or alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in the concoction.
  • Place this cotton ball in the ear just like a plug.
  • Leave it for about five minutes.
  • Lay down on your opposite side and let the liquid drain out from the ear.
  • You can use a hair dryer to dry out your ear.

Olive OilOlive oil for ear infections

One of the main causes of ear infection is the wax accumulation which catches some fungus and bacterial growth eventually leading to the blockage of Eustachian tubes. Olive oil is very useful in clearing out this wax formation.

  • Warm some olive oil and put some drops in the infected ear.
  • The Oil softens the wax molecules and it can be easily removed with cotton-tipped swabs.
  • Be cautious to not put the swab too far in the ear canal as it can damage the eardrum.
  • You can also use mustard oil in place of olive oil.

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Warm Water Bottle

Apply some heat to the infected ear as soon as possible. This will provide instant relief and prevent the microorganism infestation.

  • Hold a heating pad or hot water bottle against the infected ear.
  • Or you can use a cloth dipped in lukewarm water for the warm compress.
  • Do not apply heat to the ear for a long time. Start from 5 minutes and then remove it. Repeat after some time.

OnionOnion for ear infections

It is a very common ingredient in the kitchen. It has medicinal properties that cure an earache and ear infection. Chop a small onion and warm it for five minutes. Allow it to cool down to room temperature and then extract the juice. Apply the juice on the infected ear and leave it on for a few minutes.


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