Home remedies for pink eye
Conjunctivitis also referred as pinkeye, it is usually the inflammation of the conjunctiva. The condition can be alarming as it causes redness in the both eyes and spreads quite fast. However, it does not cause any damage to the eye vision. Newborns are especially at a higher risk of contracting pink eye and can develop more serious complications if not treated at the right time. A mother, who has an STD, can pass this virus or bacteria to the baby during her delivery.
Causes of pinkeye
Pinkeye has a number of different causes, including:
- Bacteria (such as gonorrhea or chlamydia)
- Irritants such as shampoos, dirt, smoke, and pool chlorine
- Viruses
- Allergies, like dust, pollen, or a special type of allergy that affects some contact lens wearers.
Symptoms of pinkeye
The symptoms of pinkeye differ based on the cause of the inflammation, but may include:
- Redness in the white of the eye or inner eyelid
- Increased amount of tears
- Green or white discharge from the eye
- Itchy eyes
- Burning eyes
- Blurred vision
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Thick yellow discharge that crusts over the eyelashes, especially after sleep.
Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis in Children
If your child has conjunctivitis, it can be quite challenging to make her/ him tolerate eye drops numerous times a day. For this reason, here are few really effective home remedies to treat conjunctivitis in children.
Tea Bag Remedy

This is one of the most essential and effective natural home remedies to treat conjunctivitis in children. Steep a black tea bag in lukewarm water. Place it over an infected eye for about half an hour to one hour. Repeating this home remedy at hourly intervals can help a lot to get relief from symptoms like inflammation. This is a safe home remedy and can be used without any apprehensions even on a young child too.
Raw Honey Remedy

Raw honey has also been considered as an effective antibiotic. It is also known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. If your child is suffering from pink eye, make sure that to give your child 2-3 teaspoons of raw honey daily. This will enable the body to fight infections faster and more effectively.
Coffee Remedy

Coffee is another essential ingredient for conjunctivitis. This home remedy has been used since from the time immemorial to treat not only just conjunctivitis but also few conditions like diabetes and alleviating muscle soreness. To apply, boil few pinches of coffee in a small quantity of water. Allow it to be cool. Use this coffee to rinse off the eye four times a day to get relief from pink eye.
Raw Potato Remedy

Potatoes are also a sure shot way of treating pink eyes. All you need is a few slices to ease the irritation and pain that your children are going through. Place a slice of raw potato over the affected pink eye and let it work its magic. This home remedy not only reduces inflammation but also soothes the eyes.
Sea Salt Remedy

Sea salt has recently gained the high popularity as an effective cure for conjunctivitis. Try to rinse out the affected eye with a concentrated solution that is prepared with sea salt and also warm water. Alternatively, you can also use a cotton ball damped with warm salt water solution to relieve conjunctivitis condition.
Turmeric Remedy

Turmeric is known for its antibiotic properties and it is used to treat myriad health and also skin conditions. It is also a natural steroid and hence it helps alleviate the pain which is associated with pink eye. What is more? It is safer than most over the counter drops, and can be safely administered to a young child. Mix 2tbsp of turmeric powder to a cup of boiled water. Apply it as a compress on the infected eye.
Warm/Cold Compress Remedy
In case of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, apply a warm compress. Take a clean cloth damped in the lukewarm water. Press it gently over the infected eye to reduce the eye swelling. Cold compress, on the other hand, will help in treating an infection caused from an allergy. Make sure to use a different cloth for each eye to ensure the infection does not spread.
These home remedies are helpful only in case of pink eyes with mild symptoms. If you notice few symptoms like swelling, extreme redness, and tenderness in the eyelids, accompanied with fever, it is better to consult a doctor at the earliest. These symptoms can be an indication that the infection has spread beyond the conjunctiva and further treatment is required.
Conjunctivitis or pink eye is common problem today and it can happen for a number of reasons. These remedies are for everyone who want to get rid of pink eye. These remedies work wonderfully for this problem. Thanks for sharing informative post.
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