What Is Omega 3 Fatty Acid?
Omega-3 fatty acids are considered as essential fatty acids. They are necessary for human health. Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. They have also become popular because they may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Omega-3s are one of the specific type of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and they contain more than one double bond in their chemical structure. The “3” refers to where in the chemical structure the first double bond generally occurs.
Generally your body is able to synthesize saturated fatty acids, but you don’t have an enzyme that allows you to stick a double bond in the right spot to create omega-3s yourself. There are 3 omega 3’s are there.
The Three Omega-3s Found In Food Are ALA, EPA & DHA.
Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)
This plant-based omega-3 is found in all the green, leafy vegetables, flax seeds, chia seeds and canola, walnut and soybean oils. Alpha-linolenic Acid is known as a short-chain omega-3, meaning your body has to convert it into longer-chained EPA and DHA to synthesize it.
This process is rather inefficient and only about one percent of the ALA you consume is converted to the long-chain version your body needs (although this percentage is slightly higher for women).
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
EPA is a 20-carbon fatty acid that is found in oily fish, algae oil and krill oil. Your body is able to synthesize this molecule in its original form. This, along with DHA, are the omega-3s your body needs in high quantities to achieve the benefits they offer.
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
This 22-carbon molecule is also found in oily fish, krill oil and algae oil. Your body will convert some DHA molecules back to EPA’s in order to keep them at fairly equal levels if you consume more DHA.
Regular consumption of few omega 3 fatty acid foods is necessary to ensure that your body gets the right amount of omega-3 fats. A lack of these fats in the human body can result in a poor immune system, skin health, and vulnerability to a variety of health problems including inflammation.
Omega-3s are essential for growing kids to improve their cognitive and behavioral functioning.
It is important to have the correct and proper ratio of omega-3 in the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, and acids tend to promote inflammation.
The typical diet contains 14 to 25 times more omega fatty acids which many nutritionally-oriented physicians consider to be way too high.
Indeed, it is suggest that higher dietary omega-3 property ratios appear to be associated with worsening inflammation over time and a higher risk of death among hemodialysis patients.
The Functions Of EPA And DHA In The Human Body
- The epa and dha work as vital nutrients and should be taken for the efficient functioning of the brain as well as retina. In the retina of the eye and the brain, dha omega 3 works as the tissue building blocks. So consuming DHA is helpful for the healthy functioning of the retina. These fatty acids make neurotransmitters like phosphatidylserine that is vital for the brain functioning.
- In the human cardiovascular system, omega 3 epa dha gets converted into prostaglandins, which is a substance similar to the hormones. This substance helps in the cell activity and normal healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.
The Mediterranean diet, on the other hand, has a healthier balance on omega-3 acids. Many of the people who follow this diet are less likely to develop heart disease.
The Mediterranean diet few important foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, garlic, and moderate wine consumption.
As all know that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function.
In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems.
How Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Work?
Omega-3 fats are an essential part of the body’s structural cell membranes. On consumption, the fats get accumulated in the cell tissues and enrich certain parts of the body.
Omega-3s play an important role in cell and cell receptor functioning, it generally do by performing the role of molecules that enable important communication between cells.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a part of the cell membrane. They help in creating a source of energy and act as precursors for bioactive lipid mediators.
When consumed as a part of the diet, omega-3 fatty acids compete with omega-6 fats, especially arachidonic acid that synthesizes mediators of inflammation. This means that omega-6 fatty acids promote inflammation, while omega-3s prevent it.
Can You Have An Omega-3 Deficiency?
Most people don’t get enough omega-3 fatty acids, according to an analysis of dietary data. There is no official daily value assigned to omega-3s, it is recommended two or more 3.5 ounce fish servings (oily, if possible) each week.
In general, most health organizations agree 250–500 milligrams of EPA and DHA combined each day is a reasonable amount to support healthy individuals.
However, people with heart problems (or those with a high risk of heart disease), depression, anxiety and cancer (and possibly more conditions) may benefit from higher doses — up to 4,000 milligrams per day for some heart-related conditions.
Can You Get Omega-3 Fatty Acids Naturally From Foods?
- Lake trout
- Anchovies
- Sturgeon
- Herring
- Salmon (salmon omega 3 benefits are high)
- Sardines
- Tuna
- Bluefish
- Mackerel.
- Flaxseeds
- Sunflower seeds
The above mentioned are the different types of food items where you will get Omega 3. Now, you will be surprised to know that walnuts are rich in omega 3 and you must include them in your diet.
While, flaxseed and beans are the other food items, which contain Omega 3 You must take this item and it is also considered as an important step for a healthy living.
In the non-vegan area, you can have fish because it adds omega 3 in your diet. It is good for your body. Frying of the fish kills the Omega 3 and you will not get any health benefits.
Non-fried fish contains more health benefits and give you good experience in the life. Choose 3 days in a week or 4 days in a week and have the fish in your diet in that days.
You can also include granola, salads, and baked potatoes to increase the level of Omega 3 and keep yourself healthy. The recipes with Omega 3 rich are available online. You can follow these recipes to get an additional benefit of the fatty acid.
Here are a few symptoms of omega 3 fatty acids deficiency
Dry Skin
Fatty acids are vital for the proper functioning of every cell in your body, and that includes your skin. As an important part of skin’s lipid (fat) content, Omega-3 helps bolster skin’s barrier function which, when working properly, acts like a seal that keeps moisture in and irritants out.
Since Omega-3 keeps the skin cells moist and also strong, dry skin and premature wrinkles are some early signs of deficiencies. The more deficient you are, the dryer your skin will be.
Poor Concentration
Omega-3 fatty acids represent about 60% of the brain, which is why regular consumption of this essential fatty acid helps support brain health and vitality.
However, when you don’t consume enough Omega-3, the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells can deplete, meaning messages being sent through the brain are either slowed or stop. This can result in poor concentration and even (according to some studies) problems with memory.
Joint Pain / Arthritis
Since Omega-3s are powerful anti-inflammatory agents, it is suggested that regular consumption of these essential fatty acids can reduce tenderness in joints, decrease stiffness, and may result in less medication needed for arthritis symptoms.
With the regular Omega-3 consumption have a lower rate of depression. Since Omega-3 is an essential component of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is known to improve mood, regular Omega-3 consumption can normalize the brain’s neural activity.
It is found that Omega-3 may even help decrease the brain’s inflammatory status making it a vital ingredient for sound brain functioning.
Weight Gain / Obesity
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in the most metabolically active cells of the body. Since Omega-3 has been shown to increase this metabolic activity of cells, a deficiency of Omega-3 in one’s diet can lower metabolism and potentially result in weight gain.
It is found that, although taking Omega-3 supplements and exercising regularly both help improve cardiovascular health, Omega-3 supplements independently helped reduce body fat in overweight subjects
Eyesight Problems
Omega-3 are important to protecting eye health. Ensuring proper intake of this essential fatty acid may prevent common eye ailments like macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome and glaucoma.
In fact, one study found that people who added Omega-3 to their diets were half as likely to develop macular degeneration.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Benefits
Here are Omega 3 fatty acids use. Generally, omega 3 benefits are high in nature.
Betters Cardiac Health and Also Treats High Blood Pressure
Since Omega 3 is an unsaturated fat, it is known to have numerous important properties to help treat cardiovascular diseases.
Generally decreasing the intake of saturated fats and increasing the consumption of unsaturated fats help to fight heart diseases, stroke, high cholesterol and also blood pressure problems, atherosclerosis, etc.
Controls Diabetes
High triglyceride level and low HDL level in the body are two of the main reasons for people suffering from diabetes. Omega 3 helps to decrease the triglyceride level and elevate the HDL level in such cases thereby helping to combat diabetes effectively.
Prevents Cancer
Omega 3 has displayed cancer fighting properties and is beneficial in treating and preventing breast, colon and prostate cancer.
The anti-inflammatory properties of this fatty acid help to protect the body against inflammations, reduce swellings in the body and relieve muscular pain.
They improve bone health by increasing calcium levels in the body and thereby help to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and Osteoporosis effectively.
EPA and DHA present in this essential fat also help treat asthma and inflammatory bowel disorders.
Improves Brain Condition
The DHA present in these polyunsaturated fats helps to insulate and brain cells and promote better neurotransmission thereby aiding in the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s, dementia, schizophrenia, etc and consequently ensure good mental health.
Increases Immunity and Prevents Hormonal Imbalances and Developmental Disorders
These fats provide EPA and DHA to the body which are essential to fight attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in kids and thus ensure their proper attention and behavioural growth.
It helps to reduce the pain experienced during menstruation and improve menstrual health in general. This vital nutrient aids in fighting illness while strengthening the immunity system of the body.
Improves Vision
This fat helps to prevent the problem of macular degeneration, which is a serious age related eye condition that can further lead to blindness, and thus ensure proper eyesight even during old age.
Helps To Maintain A Healthy And Flawless Skin
Omega 3 with its vital ERP and DHA content is useful in treating and preventing skin diseases like psoriasis, allergies and acne.
It has natural sunscreen properties which help to protect the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun and thereby aid in preventing and treating photodermatitis or sun sensitivity.
These fatty acids help to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin and decrease the melanin synthesis to improve and maintain proper skin tone and further help to make the skin look smooth, radiant, soft and flawless.
Creates Strong And Beautiful Tresses
Omega-3 is known for its ability to fight problems of dry and brittle hair, itchy and flaky scalp, dandruff, hair fall and improper blood circulation in the scalp. DHA and EPA provide nourishment to the hair follicles to make the hair strong and healthy.
Get plenty omega-3 fats in your diet and it is associated with a ton of great advantages. As by the above information omega 3 health benefits are plenty.