If you are serious about your figure and overall weight gain, you are likely to include more Fibers, in your diet plan. By encouraging a steady intake of Fiber, you are clearing out your digestive tract, removing the waste materials and toxins from your body. Thereafter, your digestive system will function evenly, in a better way. With an improved digestion system, your body will store less fat, leaving you slim and noticeable.
What is a fiber?
Typically, fiber can be defined as the plant roughage that plays a vital role in cleaning the junks from the human body. All sorts of vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts, seeds or grains that we consume every day, can be categorized as fibers.
Benefits of fibers within your diet:
1. Get rid of extra fat;
2. Regulate cholesterol levels;
3. Improving metabolism;
4. Normalise bowel movements;
5. Improving the immunity system;
6. Removing the toxins or hormones from our body;
7. Getting rid of constipation problems;
8. Controlling blood sugar.
These are but only a few benefits of consuming a high fiber diet. If you are interested in improving your overall diet, the first step should be to focus on the total Fiber consumption.
What is the minimum Fiber requirement for the body?
Apparently, at least 4-6 grams of fiber is ideally recommended, (the more you eat, the more your body will be benefited) for smoother functioning of the body systems. Consuming 3-4 apples (or similar fruits) a day, can easily fulfill these requirements easily.
Types of fibers:
In general, there are two types of fibers, soluble and insoluble:
Soluble fiber:
The soluble fiber, is known to absorb all the liquids and swells, and is easily digested by the bacteria present in our intestines. It plays a vital role by improving the colon health and regulating the cholesterol levels of the body. Oats are rich in soluble fibers, so consider including them during the breakfasts.
Insoluble fiber:
Insoluble fiber is readily available in wheat, rice, veggies or fruit skins. As the name itself suggests, this type of fiber, doesn’t dissolve in the water; rather it adds on to the mass and clears the waste materials from the body. In order to have a beautiful and supple skin, one can barely avoid the importance of insoluble fibers from their diet.
Monitor your daily meals closely:
It is an undeniable fact that having frequent meals a day, plays a significant role in speeding up your metabolism. If you want to improve your overall health, you must increase your total number of meals; for example if you are currently eating 2 major meals, break it into 4 meals; if you eat 3 meals, consider having 6 meals a day. In a nutshell, keeping constant the amount of food you eat, increase the number of times you eat.
High Fiber Diet:
In order to consume high fiber diet, you don’t need to drain your entire pocket! Lentils, barley, beans (almost all types), soybeans, etc. are rich in fiber. By including these items, within your regular diet you can easily fulfill your daily fiber requirements easily.
Are You Relying On The Supplements To Fill Up The Gaps In Fiber Consumptions?
If you are more keen into filling up the gaps in the Fiber requirements of your body, by consuming Fiber supplements, there are a lot of options in the market that can aid this process. Consuming the Fiber supplements as an addition to your daily dosages is good. Try and create a diet which has Fiber rich food along with your daily dose of supplements to avail best benefits of a Fiber rich diet.
How to maximize the benefits of both the types of Fibers?
These days there are a lot of varieties available in terms of flavor and tastes, which ensures the overall nutritional requirement of your body is met without a hitch Including a decent amount of soluble as well as insoluble Fibers in your daily diet is simple; all you need to do is to modify your regular diet chart a bit:
Consider having cereals:
Cereals probably serve to be the best breakfasts, with about 14 grams of Fibers. However, the processed ones might vary a bit, in terms of Fiber content, but is certainly healthier and, therefore, will serve your purpose rightly.
Switch to Brown Rice:
The brown rice is comparatively less polished than the normal rice we consume. The processed rice, removes a large percentage of vitamin B1, B3 and B6, alongside Manganese, Iron and Phosphorous. Each cup of brown rice is known to provide 3.5 grams of Fibers that play a significant role in regulating cholesterol level, ridding the body of diabetes and increase the overall metabolic rate.
Eat Nuts As Intermediate Meals:
Almost all forms of seeds, grains and nuts are known as rich sources of Fiber. Almond, pistachio etc. also contain, the good fats, and thus, can serve to be commendable intermediate meals.
These days, a large section of people have developed affinity, towards oatmeal. The original unprocessed oats tend to deliver about 4.5 grams of Fibers, alongside the nutritional value. Even though the processed ones might vary in the Fiber content, it still serves to be a fulfilling wholesome diet and is recommended by health professionals all over the globe.
As mentioned before, fresh fruits are very important part of your daily diet, to ensure both forms of Fiber consumption in your daily diet. Rather than having juices, try to have it on the whole.
Thus, it is, needless to say, that Fiber rich food is mandatory in improving the overall health of an individual. From the fashionable models, to the body builders; almost all of them relies largely on rich Fiber diets, to facilitate a better functioning of the body system as well as to obtain a clear, supple skin. Start consuming oats and cereals from an early stage, and reduce the chances of cardio-vascular diseases significantly!