Natural Home Remedies To Treat Burns

Natural Home Remedies To Treat Burns

Skin is an essential part and makes our body function properly. Therefore a burn can affect the skin quite severely, and this can be in the form of heat burns, cold temperature burns, thermal burns or liquid scald burns, electrical burns, chemical burns, tar or hot plastic burns, each of which will be mild, minor, moderate or severe.

Do you feel the burn? May it be first, second, or third degree burns they can be quite painful. But did you know that there are numerous natural home remedies for burns you can utilize without taking a trip to the pharmacy. If the whole history has taught us anything, it’s that nature provides time-tested, natural solutions for most health ailments. Hopefully, these natural treatments will take away any burn-induced pain and discomfort.

Natural Home Remedies To Treat Burns

What are Burns?

Burns totally represent a serious condition in which a body part is affected by fire or any electrical object. Subsequently, a group of cells or group of tissues becomes damaged and the result can be very painful.

There are three types of burns

They are First, Second, and Third Degree Burns

First it is essential to know that all types of burns that fall into 1 of 3 categories: first degree, second degree, and third degree. First and second degree burns can almost always be taken care with simple natural home remedies and natural treatments, but third degree burns are quite serious and do deserve medical attention.

There are three types of burns

First Degree Burns

This type of burns affects generally the outer layer of skin called epidermis, first degree burns may cause pain and redness, but don’t result in blistering or anything of serious concern. A burn happening within the home or sunburns are most often first-degree and they can be handled with one or more of the home remedies you will see below.

Second Degree Burns

Second degree burns affects both the epidermis and an underlying skin layer called the dermis, second-degree burns can cause blistering and are much more painful than first-degree burns. These burns shouldn’t be too concerning and they can be treated with natural, home treatments. Be sure to observe for infection, though.

Third Degree Burns

This is the most serious of burns, third-degree burns are highly destructive and do deserve medical attention. These burns generally damages the deepest skin layer and also can damage blood vessels, glands, nerves, fat, and even muscle or bone. Oddly enough, these burns may be painless due to nerve-destruction.

Burns are divided into above three types, depending on their severity. Simple home remedies may alleviate the effect of burning in a few days in case of first degree burns, but for third degree burns, medical consultation must be sought immediately.

There is a variety of causes that form the base of this health problem. Let’s see some of the common causes of burns.

Causes of Burns

Burns may be due to daily activities like the use of a toaster, stove, iron, or common chemicals. Thermal burns are generally caused by holding hot objects, splashing hot liquid, fire, or exposure to steam. Electrical burns are due to electrical items like ovens. Chemicals may also cause serious injuries and accidents. Radiation, like ultraviolet rays, are also major causes of skin damage and “sunburns”. Overexposure to the sun, hot water baths, and smoking carelessly are some of the common causes of burns that occur through normal behaviors.

Burns that are extremely severe and extend to the bones and extend to the tendons are called fourth-degree burns. As you must have concluded by now, if you are suffering from something as severe as a third or fourth-degree burn, you must consult your doctor immediately to prevent permanent scarring. These burns can directly cause death, depending on the extent of damage to your body and hence need to be medically attended to immediately. However, if you are suffering from a minor burn that has happened to damage, the following few simple and natural home remedies will help you completely recover from your burn.

Typical signs and symptoms of first-degree burns are:

  • Redness
  • Tenderness or pain
  • Minor swelling
  • Peeling as the burn heals.

Signs of second-degree burns include:

  • Extreme redness
  • Very sore or painful skin
  • Blisters that may break and ooze.

Few of the below natural home remedies for burns include the use of cold water, honey, fruits, turmeric, tea bags, plantain leaves, calendula, salt, papaya, lavender oil, potato, vinegar, Aloe Vera, and tea tree oil in different forms. Burns refer to a condition that occurs when a part of body is affected due to thermal, chemical, or electrical effects that heat up the body cells, thereby damaging them.

Here are few natural remedies for burns

Tea Bags

Tea Bags

This is one of the best choice of home remedies for burns is black tea bag, because it has tannic acid, which can aid in drawing the heat from the burns. To use tea bag for burns, simply place 2-3 tea bags in cool water, then collect the tea in small bowl, and carefully put the tea bag in the burn site. Another option is to create a concoction by using 3-4 tea bags, 4 cups of hot water and 2 cups of mint leaves. Strain the mixture and let it cool. Gently dab the mixture on the affected burned skin.



When minor burns heal, it can become very itchy. To relieve the itchiness, put some breakfast cereal in the tub, place one cup of crumbled oatmeal in a bathtub of lukewarm water, soak at least 15-20 minutes and then air dry. Let the thin coat of oatmeal remain in the layers of your skin. Take extra care when you get out of the tub because the oatmeal can make the bathroom floor and other parts of the house slippery.



Vinegar is a common home remedy for burns. After applying vinegar, you can feel immediate relief from your burnt. To use vinegar, take a cotton ball and put it in white vinegar and dab it carefully to the affected burnt skin. You may also use compress and soaked it into mixture of water and vinegar. Vinegar contains astringent and antiseptic properties, which can prevent any infection caused by several burns. Vinegar can also aid in healing of the burned skin really very fast.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera


Aloe vera is probably best leading home remedies for burns. It is known for its cooling and soothing properties. For skin burns, cut the aloe vera leaves in two pieces and squeeze the juice out. Afterwards, apply the aloe vera gel in the burned area.

Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil

Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil

Lemon juice and coconut oil are effective in curing minor burns. Lemon juice generally contains acidic compounds, which can lighten any scars. Coconut oil has vitamin E and fatty acids like myristic acid, lauric acid and capric acid which contains antifungal, antibacterial and anti-oxidizing properties. If you suffer with burns and also as well as scalds, combine both lemon juice and also coconut oil. Mix equal parts of them and apply it directly to the scalds.

Plantain Leaves

Plantain Leaves

Plantain leaves is also one of the popular home remedies for burns. The leaves have antimicrobial, anti hemorrhagic and anti-inflammatory properties. Crush some fresh leaves, and gently dab the juice in the burnt skin area. Another alternative is to pound the leaf gently with something heavy to squeeze the juice and then wrap the leaf to the burned skin.

Raw Potato

Raw Potato

This natural home remedy for burns can be quite surprising for some, but it’s in deed very effective. Raw potato can help in healing minor skin burns because of its soothing and anti-irritating properties. It can also lessen the risk of developing blisters in the area. Cut few pieces of raw potato and now gently rub it in the burn. Just make sure that the taken potato is releasing its juice from it in the burned skin. For best results, use this home remedy right after the burn occurred.

Egg Whites

Egg Whites

You may not have used egg whites before, but actually egg white is another popular home remedy for burns. To use egg whites, separate several whites from yolks and then soak the burned skin in the egg whites. After soaking the burned skin in egg white solution for several hours, you will no longer feel the pain associated with burns.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is also used in hospital to treat burns. It is often given to patients to provide relief and to make healing process faster. To use as treatment, pour the lavender oil in a clean cloth or gauze. Then, now apply it directly to the affected area. Replace the clean cloth and gauze after a few hours. Another option is to run the burned skin in cold water and spray some lavender oil.

Cold Water Remedy

Cold Water Remedy

Cold water is one of the simplest home remedies for burns. In case of a burn accident, run cold water on the affected skin for some time. This is done to reduce the heat from the affected region. Also with less heat you will get relief fast and the burning sensation is also controlled.  Remember not to put ice on the burn since ice generally restricts proper blood flow in the area and causes more damage.

Onion Juice Remedy

Onion Juice Remedy


Onion juice has best wound healing properties and this juice can be used to treat minor burns. Onion juice has chemicals like quercetin and sulfur compounds which bring immense relief from pain. A easy way to make use of onion for skin burns is to cut a fresh onion and use its juice to apply on the minor burn. Doing so will bring you instant relief from pain and also lessen the chance of blister formation. Repeat the exercise every few hours. However every time remember to use freshly cut onion since onions once cut tend to lose their medicinal traits in a few minutes and hence will not be favorable in treating burns.

Baking Soda Remedy

Baking Soda Remedy

Baking soda is also another one remedy that is commonly used simple home remedy for minor burns. Make a paste of baking soda in water and use it to apply over the burnt area of the skin. Allow it to dry and then rinse the region. Repeat this remedy by applying the baking soda on the burn injury. Your will feel less pain as a result of the burn injury by using this remedy.

Aluminum Foil Remedy

Aluminum Foil Remedy

The use of Aluminum foil is another handy home remedy for minor burns. In case of a burn injury, first run cold water on the affected area and then apply the shiny side of the aluminum foil over it. You will feel instant pain in the beginning; however, the pain subsides to a high extent gradually.



Honey one of the best antiseptic foods, if you have honey at your home, it is a great option for soothing and healing your burns because, when applied to the affected area, it will extract fluids from the injured skin tissue. To heal a skin burn with honey, place honey on a cloth and cover the burn, change the bandage three to four times a day. Although it will leave the burnt skin area a bit sticky, do try this as an alternative remedy.



A famous way to treat burns with home remedies that’s also easy to get hold of is the humble tomato. Its texture and also its properties make it an option that is at once refreshing and will help to naturally heal burns. This fruit generally considered a vegetable it has a big humidifying power, so it can also act as a healer and will improve the area where you burned yourself.

A few minutes after you got burnt, a blister may appear. Few of the people have a question that whether to prick, cut or bust it, however this is not recommended. Blisters act as a protective barrier against the entry of microorganisms into the wound, which is why you should try to cover it without oppressing it to prevent it from breaking. If that happens you must carefully remove the dead tissue, you should also clean and disinfect the wound and cover it with a cotton gauze, but always without compressing the area.

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