Revive your mood with these simple hacks

Revive your mood with these simple hacks

How to Revive your mood?

Do you ever find yourself by feeling a bit low on energy or in a grumpy mood for no apparent reason? The good news is that you can also choose to boost your mood whenever you wish, as long as you know how!

It is but natural to experience being in a low mood from time to time, even if you can’t always figure out why you are feeling down in the dumps. What do you do when you are feeling sad, uninspired, and drained of energy?


Instead of moving into the sadness and self-pity and allowing yourself to a spiral into depression altogether, try some items off this list to pick up your mood, or reboot your slumped mind and body, revive your zest for living.

Start Your Day On A Positive Note

Start Your Day On A Positive Note

Set your day off on the right foot and remove away any bad vibes early in the morning by waking up an hour before and using this time to do a productive task, followed by a relaxing one.

For instance, you can tidy up your desk or also organize some files for 15 minutes. You don’t have to keep pressure yourself into finishing the chore, as the point of doing it is not to do a general cleaning of your place.

After 15 to 20 minutes of doing productive work, reward yourself in spending the rest of your free hour by enjoying your morning coffee along with some newspaper reading.

This creates a sense of being more in a control of your time and having done something for your personal enjoyment, upping your mood instead of being carried by the usual frenzied morning rush.

Wake Your Skin Up

Wake Your Skin Up

By splashing your face with cold water wakes you up early in the morning and also clearing away sweat and grime during midday or late in the afternoon which can refresh not only your face but also your mood. Being physically clean and fresh which can help clear away a frazzled mind and enliven your system for a better mood.

Call Your Friend

Call Your Friend

Reconnect with an old mate, make reminisce fun and touching moments of the past, share some trivial stresses of your daily lives, and unload the challenges which you are currently facing as you juggle the multiple responsibilities of adult life.

Doing this can also remind you that you are not the only one dealing with both petty and major difficulties in life, release your pent up frustrations and also emotions, and raise your mood even before you hit the End Call button.

Perform A Simple Act Of Kindness

Perform A Simple Act Of Kindness

This is a sure-fire way of boosting your mood, whether you are feeling low or even neutral during the day.

Take a minute to come up with something you can sincerely appreciate about someone, be it a family member, a colleague at the work, or other people in your life you can also regularly interact with but rarely acknowledge.

The only thing is that you have to get to be in the same room with that person at some point during the day.

Spend Some Time With Your Pet

Spend Some Time With Your Pet

Hold closer or play with your dog or cat. Indulging the simple pleasures, and by giving your full attention to your pet not only grants a sense of calmness, it can also take you away from the world of the usually complicated of human dramas, if only momentarily.

This can effectively refresh your mood as your show of affection and attention is satisfactorily returned to you by your friends too. If you don’t have a pet, you can play with a friend’s pet instead, or volunteer at your local animal shelter to the further boost up your mood.

Listen To Music

Listen To Music

It is easier for the mind to fill up with negative thoughts when your mood is at a not-that-great zone, by creating a domino effect that can take you from feeling low to murderous.

Before you get into the bad mood, you should counter the noise in your head by putting on your favorite playlist and also sing along with your favorite upbeat tunes.

This is sure to raise your spirits and also can enliven your mood, maybe even encourage you to do some moves. which brings us to the next mood uplifting strategy exercise.

Get Moving

Get Moving

In case you haven’t already heard of it, physical activity can release endorphins, which are your body’s natural mood-enhancers. So perform some of the gentle stretches, take a walk to the park, or do a full cardio exercise early in the morning.

Experiencing that occasional low mood can be unavoidable, but with these few mood-boosting strategies in your arsenal, there is no reason why you should stay miserable and gloomy for long. It can only take some creativity and enough willingness to redirect yourself to a more positive track, and you will be well on your way to a recharged, happier you again!

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