You all are aware of the destructive effects of cancer. The disease sets off a series of devastation. Instead, of letting the disease get the better of you, you should know how to prevent cancer. In any case, prevention is better than cure. So, the focus has to be on doing things that help prevent cancer. Just as you should do a few things, there are those that you should avoid.
Follow a balanced meal planning
Here again, you should know what to include in your meal plan. Similarly, you should know what all to exclude from your diet. Base your diet chart on sprouts, fruits, veggies, and greens. Make sure that it has sufficient quantities of beans, lentils, sprouts and whole grains. Then, you should know what to exclude from your meal planning. Drink in moderation, but make it a point to say no to tobacco.
Watch your weight

The golden rule is to take measures against obesity. It is all about bringing lifestyle changes to prevent cancer. Be particular about eating light and avoiding consumption of calorie-rich food. You need not bid goodbye to refined sugar. But limit the consumption of refined goodies. Similarly, you should minimize the consumption of animal-based fat. Try to stay lean and thin. In that way, you can counter obesity, and make yourself the least susceptible to cancer.
Keep yourself physically active
You must be already acquainted with the health benefits of exercising and other physical activities. Some evidence support the health benefits of aerobic activity. The latter has a crucial role to play in lowering the hazards of colon cancer. Similarly, aerobic activities are useful for preventing breast cancer. Plan your aerobic activity in such a way that you get one-hundred and fifty minutes’ exposure to the same, during the course of a week.
Use sunscreen as much as possible
People who expose themselves to sun tanning are most susceptible to skin cancer. So, even if you have to go out there under the midday sun, do make sure that you make optimum use of sunscreen solutions. Wear loose fitting and tightly woven garments so that you can use your clothing as the shield of protection. Instead of using bleached cotton garments, use dark colored clothing that reflects ultraviolet radiation.
Understand the importance of immunization
Do make it a point to check out with your healthcare provider if you are immunized against the Hepatitis virus of the B type. Likewise, find out if you have protection against the HPV virus. That’s because prevention of cancer also means protecting yourself from the virally transmitted diseases and infections.
Careful usage of stain resistant cookware
Avoid using plastic cookware. Instead, invest in the cookware that aids preparation of food items without sticking. If you are using food containers for microwave heating, make sure that it prevents grease from leaking. It has become common to use containers and cookware that come lined with perfluroooctanoic acid. But make sure that the non-stick surface is free from scratches. At all cost, you should prevent the food from coming in direct contact with POFA. The latter is known for causing a host of diseases including cancer.
Sterilization of hands does more harm than good
That’s because most of over the counter sterilization sprays and products contain triclosan. The latter happens to be an anti-bacterial product. As per research-based evidence, triclosan is accountable for causing cancer and a host of other diseases including reproductive toxicity and hormonal disruption. Instead of using the chemical, just wash your hand with ordinary water.
Develop an eco-friendly approach
Whether it comes to dealing with the odds and issues of gardening, or tackling the problems of household cleaning; avoid using chemicals and nonbiodegradable ingredients, at all cost. The focus has to be such that you make minimal use of pesticides and chemically synthesized house cleaners. Instead, make a list of the green and environment-friendly products.
Use water that is safe for drinking
Do ensure that the water that you are using is free from cancer causing elements. It should also be free from the radioactive radium 226. The latter ingredient in addition to Arsenal plays positive parts in abetting the incidence of cancer.
Advocate wet cleaning instead of dry cleaning
The dry cleaning process that makes use of PERC makes you vulnerable to cancer because perchloroethylene happens to be a possible carcinogen. Instead of opting for dry cleaning, bank on the technologically advanced methods of wet cleaning that makes use of biodegradable soaps.
In a nutshell
Now that you know what all lifestyle- centric changes to bring, you can put your foot forward to prevent cancer. You can all realize that the thrust has to be laid on leading a lifestyle that makes the least use of carcinogenic chemicals.