Because one has been experiencing menstrual cycle for more than a decade, one tends to think that they possess all the necessary information about it. Unfortunately, this is not at all true! When it comes, to menopause, even a major section of the knowledgeable females tends to fumble! Thus, it is very crucial to start understanding the overall problem from the basic level.
Menopause: The End of the Possibility of Motherhood!
Just like the first menstrual cycle, brings in the possibility of motherhood, the end of the same means the ceasing of the possibility. The phase of having menstrual bleeding is named as menarche while the end of reproductive capability is known as menopause that occurs typically amongst women in their late 40s or early 50s. It is the clear indication of completion of the fertile period in an individual.
Symptoms of Menopause:
Hormonal changes are known to rock the life of a woman, and it is, needless to say, that menopause is the most vital phase of hormonal changes. During the menopause, the female reproductive organs, i.e. ovaries cease to function, leading to serious hormonal disruptions and uneasiness, that is quite difficult to deal with. Some of the apparent symptoms of menopause include:
1. Heavy Bleeding or Irregularity of Cycle

During the pre-menopausal phase, the cycle does not follow any pattern; it might have unexpected frequent heavy vaginal bleeds or irregularity. And the overall procedure might start, long before the ovaries ceases to function completely!
2. Problems in Vagina:

With the reduction of the level of estrogen hormones, the vaginal tissues tend to become thinner and lesser elastic in nature. This will inevitably lead to dryness and itching and at times mild pain during the sexual intercourse and lead to serious infections.
3. Low Sexual Drive:

In most of the cases, women undergoing menopause are known to have low sexual drive due to the hormonal imbalance. The irritation in the vagina is another common reason why many women prefer to avoid sexual intercourse during the phase, leading to depression or mood swings.
4. Changes in Breasts:

Much like
pregnancy, the hormonal changes during the pre and post menopausal phase leads to noticeable changes in single or both the breasts; such as paining tenderness or soreness.
5. Abnormal Weight gain:

Many women are completely unaware of the fact that, menopause tends to affect the overall fat distribution within the body. As a result, the excess fat makes room for itself in the waist or abdominal area. Often, the thighs and hips too, become disproportionate
after menopause, which might be hard to balance if ignored for a long time.
With menopause the body fat distribution also changes. Fat gets deposited more on the waist and abdomen area than in hips and thighs. Usually, weight gain due to menopause becomes difficult to manage if ignored for a long time.
6. Hot flashes:

Hot flashes are common
symptoms of menopause, and it is experienced my almost every woman undergoing this phase. The excessive heat, spreads throughout the body and is often followed by high perspiration rates. Experts suggest, that the main reason for the hot flashes is biochemical fluctuations and the decline of the level of estrogen.
7. Night Sweats:

Alongside the hot flashes, night sweats too are very common during this phase, leading to excessive sweats during the night time, that might also end up disrupting the normal sleep patterns and gives birth to unavoidable tiredness during the daytime.
8. Problems in the Urinary Tracts:

During the menopause, the urinary tracts remain susceptible to severe infections much like the vagina. Often, it is seen that an individual needs to urinate frequently as a consequence of the hormonal imbalance within the body.
9. Mood Swings:

Mood swings and behavioural problems are common symptoms of menopause, in almost all women across the globe. Apart from frequent mood swings, and irritations one might also experience severe tiredness and fatigue in this phase, along with a temporary memory loss; all these are the overall consequences of the emotional distress that hits the women undergoing menopause.
Is it normal to Experience Bleeding After Menopause?
Typically, menopause marks the end of the menstrual cycle and all forms of normal vaginal bleeding. In case, the vagina ceases from bleeding continuously for about a year, one can be sure that she has entered menopause. However, in many cases, women tend to experience heavy uterine bleeding even after menopause. There can be multiple reasons for such bleeding, and even a small spot of blood in the vaginal area should be treated carefully after menopause since it can indicate
● Severe health hazards;
● Endometrial hyperplasia;
● Endometrial atrophy;
● Presence of polyps;
● Endometrial cancer;
● Uterine sarcoma;
● Pelvic traumas;
● Uterine fibroids;
Apart from these, there might be severe infections in the uterus or even bleeding from the rectum, resulting in bleeding after menopause. Thus, rather than being rejoiced, it is always better to visit a health physician immediately to handle the unexpected health hazards from an initial stage.
Get rid of post-menstrual bleeding!
Bleeding after menopause is indeed a matter of concern; but, it doesn’t mean the end of the world! With proper diagnosis, it can be depleted out of your life, simply by operating the polyps or applying the specially formulated creams in the delicate areas. All you need is to transform your overall lifestyle a bit so as to ensure a healthy living experience in the long run:
1. Maintaining a healthy diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables and ample water;
2. Natural health supplements to fulfil the gaps of missing nutrients;
3. Light exercises, yoga or meditation for relieving stress and keeping your mind fresh and active;
4. Get rid of alcohol, caffeine or tobacco from your daily life.
The post-menstrual phase might be slightly uncomfortable at the initial stage, but it will certainly not harm the seamless flow of your life. By consuming the natural health supplements, you can easily deal with this phase without affecting your normal lifestyle. So, start maintaining your daily routine from today, and prepare yourself for the difficult phase at ease!
Hello dear really very helpful knowledge