Vaginal yeast infections, commonly known as candidiasis, are a common female condition. Yeast is a fungus that mainly exists in the vagina. A vaginal yeast infection means that many yeast cells are growing in the vagina.
Yeast infections are mainly caused by the fungus Candida. This fungus is associated with intense swelling, itching, and irritation. These infections are common. worry writing yeast though they can bother you a lot, they are not serious.
And the treatment is simple. A healthy vagina has a small number of yeast cells and many bacteria. Lactobacillus acidophilus, the most common bacteria help to keep organisms like the yeast—under control.
Causes And Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection
A vaginal yeast infection is mainly caused by an overgrowth of yeast organisms that normally exist in small numbers in the vagina. Things that can encourage an excess growth of vaginal yeast infections include:
- Use of antibiotics.
- Having diabetes, if the blood sugar level is not well controlled and it tends to be high.
- Having an impaired immune system.
- Being obese or overweight.
- Using corticosteroids, like prednisone.
- Having high estrogen levels like during pregnancy, high-dose birth control pill use, and menstrual cycle.
The symptoms of yeast infection include:
- Vaginal discharge that is usually thick, white, odorless and clumpy.
- Red, Irritated skin around the opening to the vagina (labia).
- Pain while urinating when urine touches the irritated skin.
- Pain in the vagina during sexual intercourse.
- Vaginal itching that is often severe.
Natural Remedies To Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection
Despite the effectiveness of OTC medications for yeast infections, most people prefer to treat their ailments with natural home remedies.
Yogurt, Probiotics, and “Good” Bacteria
The most common natural home remedies for yeast infections have long involved restoring the vagina’s population of friendly bacteria, especially Lactobacillus acidophilus, by utilizing yogurt or suppositories or probiotic and prebiotic supplements.
New researchers suggest Lactobacillus recolonization of vagina shows promise as a treatment for yeast infections. Regular ingestion of the beneficial bacteria poses very little harm, so you can try the natural remedies without worry.The best natural remedies is pomegranate juice for yeast infection.
Boric Acid For Yeast Infections
Research shows that boric acid capsules appear to be extremely effective against severe yeast infections, particularly those caused by non-albicans species.
An early scientific study found that boric acid suppositories, when taken nightly for 8 to 9 days, have up to an 89 percent cure rate.
More recently, a 2008 article in the journal Diabetes found that boric acid vaginal suppositories are more effective against C. glabrate infections in the diabetic women (diabetes is a major risk factor for yeast infection) than an oral azole medication.
And a 2012 review in the Journal of Women’s Health found that it is a safe alternative to the azole medication for the treatment of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis mainly caused by non-albicans Candida.
However, boric acid can occasionally cause vaginal burning, is toxic when swallowed, and should not frequently be used when pregnant.
Stay Dry And Loose
Worry writing yeast organisms like moist, warm conditions, with little or no oxygen. In order to deny them the perfect growing medium, carefully dry the vaginal area thoroughly after showering or bathing.
Opt for loose pants and “breathable” cotton underwear, and, if you must wear the nylons, choose those that have a built-in cotton-lined panty. Avoid lounging around in the wet swimsuit; change into the dry clothing as soon as you are done swimming for a time.The best supplement is pomegranate for yeast infections.
Practice Good Hygiene
The chances of yeast infection in women can be reduced through the practice of good hygiene. The organisms that cause the yeast infection produce secretions which are irritating to genital tissues.
The nerve endings that mainly sense the presence of yeast is located at the vaginal opening. Though you may have an infection inside vagina, you can get symptomatic relief simply by washing away the secretions with the water until your chosen treatments knockout the infections.
While yeast is passed between sexual partners, it can be passed to others, including children, through activities like shared baths.
To ensure you are not passing yeast, avoid sharing towels or bathing or bathwater with the children; wash the hands frequently and always after using the bathroom -with water and soap; and wash your clothing in hot water.
The high water temperature in the washing machine should destroy any yeast organisms on the clothes. But if you want to be sure they are all gone; add a cup of white vinegar during the cycle of rinse. You should also wash up carefully before lovemaking and ask your sexual partner to do the same.
Avoid Harsh Soaps And Feminine Hygiene Products
Not only can the alcohol and several other chemicals in the products cause irritation, but they can alter the pH balance of the vagina, allowing the yeast to flourish.
Routine douching is not a great idea if you do not have vaginal symptoms. However, for women with the yeast-infection symptoms, a mild vinegar douche can immensely help restore the vagina’s normal pH (that is about 5.5).
Douching with yogurt that contains live acidophilus, or lactobacillus bacteria can help restore the friendly microorganism lost during the yeast infection or as a result of the antibiotic use. For the best douche results, follow the following easy steps:
- Prepare the douche solution as outlined above.
- Make sure the container, irrigation nozzle and tube are clean. If not, clean them with an antiseptic solution.
- Lie in the tub with a folded towel under the buttocks, and the legs parted. Suspend the container 13 to 17 inches above the hips.
- Insert the nozzle into the vagina with the gentle rotating motion until it encounters resistance (three to four inches).
- Allow the solution to flow in gradually. Use the fingers to close vaginal lips until a little pressure builds up inside. This allows the solution to reach the total internal surface. An effective douche must take eleven minutes or so.
Head To The Kitchen
Unsweetened cranberry juice can acidify the vaginal secretions and equip them to fight off yeast. Eating three fresh garlic cloves a day, either minced or plain and tossed in a sauce or salad, may also prevent yeast infections or help clear up a case of thrush. Garlic and garlic oil has antifungal properties.
Go Herbal
For thrush, make a basil tea and utilize it as a gargle. Boil 3 1/2 cups water, remove from the heat and add 1 1/4 teaspoons ground basil. Cover and steep for 35 minutes. Cool and gargle. Or sweeten to taste with the maple syrup and drink 1 cup thrice a day.
To relieve burning and itching, make a tea of the rosemary and use it as a douche or dab it onto the external portion. Or make a thyme tea using two teaspoons dried thyme per 2 cup boiling water. Steep and drink 1 to 3 cups every day if you have a yeast infection.
You can find several other natural remedies for yeast infections online, including pomegranate juice for yeast infection, coconut oil, and echinacea purpurea liquid. But before trying any alternative treatments, it is best to check with your doctor.