Not everything you hear about diabetes is right. That’s why it is essential to get the facts, so you can make good decisions to manage your diabetes better.There are number of myths about diabetes which may make it hard to understand. To cut through the confusion, I have broken down some of the common misconceptions.Diabetes information is extensively available, both from healthcare professionals and the Internet, but not all of it is true.As well as diabetes myths, you may be interested in these diabetes facts.If you want to learn a little bit more information about Diabetes, then look no further. This article eliminates the most common Diabetes myths, reveals facts about the chronic condition, and offers a general perception of what it’s like to live with Diabetes.
What Are The Myths And Facts About Diabetes?
Below are the few myths and facts about diabetes.
1. Myth:
Diabetes is Caused by Eating More Sweet Food
Diabetes is a chronic disorder, where high blood glucose levels are due to the body’s inability to provide insulin or answer to it efficiently.Insulin is answerable for decreasing the blood glucose levels in the body when it is too high. Although having sweet food does not cause diabetes, a diet that is high in sugar and fat can head to obesity, increasing the risk of evolving Type 2 diabetes.
2. Myth:
Diabetes can be Cured
Diabetes is a chronic disorder that has no cure. However, the state can be well-controlled with proper management, which also aids to prevent the development of difficulties resulting from high blood sugar.
3. Myth:
Patients on Insulin Have More Serious Diabetes Than Those Who Require Only Oral Medications
Patients who are with Type 1 diabetes are not able to give insulin due to an immune disease affecting the pancreas. Therefore, oral medicines which supports the production of insulin by the pancreas are not suitable. Such patients need insulin injections to control their blood glucose level.For patients with Type 2 diabetes, initial treatment may involve only oral medications or only insulin injections. Some patients may require a combination of oral medications and insulin injections to achieve optimal control of their blood glucose levels.
4. Myth:
People with Diabetes Will Eventually Need to Amputate Their Feet
Poorly controlled diabetes in the long term causes injury to the blood vessels, which in turn leads to difficulties such as foot ulcers and amputation, nerve damage, blindness, kidney failure, heart diseases, and also stroke.However, like complications are avoidable if diabetes is correctly maintained. For this reason, it is necessary for diabetic patients to visit their doctors for regular screening of their foot, eyes and kidney to monitor for the above-mentioned difficulties.
5. Myth:
People with DiabetesShould Avoid Carbohydrates Since these can Raise the Blood Glucose Level
Carbohydrates can actually raise blood glucose level because they are broken down into glucose to give energy for the body.As carbohydrates are present in a number of foods (including fruit and vegetables), which may also be significant sources of other nutrients, it is not practical to avoid carbohydrates totally. A dietitian may be consulted to recommend on superior food choices for diabetic patients.
6. Myth:
People with Diabetes can Safely Eat Snacks or Candies which have “No Added Sugar” or are “For Diabetics”.
Snacks or candies which have “no added sugar” or those “for diabetics” can be preferred alternatives to uniform snacks since they may have moderately lower sugar content. The sugar content in these products may have been returned by artificial sweeteners.However, snacks or candies incline to be of low nutritional value and can be high in fat. Hence it would be a great practice to take a look at the content of the products before eating and to take them in moderation.
7. Myth:
Overweight people finally develop type 2 diabetes.
Being overweight is one of risk factor, but family history, ethnicity, and age also play a role. Most overweight people never develop type 2 diabetes, and number of people with type 2 diabetes are at a normal weight or only moderately overweight.
8. Myth:
People who are with diabetes are more likely to get colds and other illnesses.
You are no more likely to acquire a cold or another sickness if you have diabetes. The one precaution here is to get annual flu shots. Any illness can make diabetes more strenuous to control, and diabetics are more likely to develop serious complications.
9. Myth:
You will know if you have diabetes by the symptoms.
Few people who are with type 2 diabetes have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed. In fact, while 1 in 11 Indians has it, 1 in 4 adults with diabetes doesn’t know it. The following symptoms of diabetes are typical:
Frequent urination
Feeling very thirsty
Feeling very hungry, even though you are eating
Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet (type 2)
Extreme fatigue
Blurry vision
Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
Weight loss, even though you are eating more (type 1).
How Can I Prevent Getting Diabetes?
If you are at risk for diabetes, you may be able to prevent in getting it. Most of the things that you require to do include having a good and healthier lifestyle. So if you make these changes, you will get other health advantages as well. You may lower your risk of other illnesses, and you will apparently feel better and have more energy. The changes are
Losing weight and keeping it off. Weight control is an essential part of diabetes prevention. You may be able to stop or delay diabetes by losing 5 to 10 percent of your present weight. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds, your goal would be to lose between 10 to 20 pounds. And once you drop the weight, it is essential that you don’t gain it back.
Following a healthy regular eating plan. It is essential to decrease the amount of calories you consume and drink every day, so you can drop weight and keep it off.
To do that, your regular diet should include smaller portions and also less fat and sugar. You should also eat number of foods from each food group, including plenty of whole grains, fruits, and also vegetables. It’s also a best idea to limit red meat, and avoid processed meats.
Get regular exercise. Exercise has large number of health advantages, including assisting you to lose weight and lower your blood sugar levels. These both lower your risk of diabetes.
Try to get at least 30-40 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week. If you have not been active, consult with your doctor to figure out which types of exercise are best for you. You can begin slowly and work up to your goal.
Don’t smoke. Smoking can subscribe to insulin resistance, which can begin to diabetes. If you already had a habit of smoking, try to quit.
Talk to your doctor to see whether there is anything else you can do to prevent diabetes. If you are at high risk, your healthcare provider may suggest that you take one of a few types of diabetes medicines.
Few Important Points To Remember For Managing Your Blood Sugar Levels
1. Weight Loss If you are overweight, it will be easier to stabilize blood sugar more effectively if you lose even a few pounds. “For number people with diabetes, losing just 5 or 10 pounds can make a difference in diabetes control or the need for medication”.2. Drinking Wisely Alcohol can cause an immediate rise in blood sugar and then a drop a few hours later. It’s best to stick to moderate amounts and have some solid food with your beverage.3. Eat 5 Meals A Day: All generally have 3 big meals a day, which is basically not right for our system. Instead of this, plan your meals exactly. Have five little meals through the day to keep blood glucose levels stable. Ensure you pick healthy small and frequent meals to make sure controlled diabetes.4. Choose Your Food Wisely: Include more and more low glycaemic foods to your diet. Low glycaemic foods are low in carbohydrates and keep sugar level in control. large carb foods spike your blood sugar levels. However, this doesn’t mean that diabetics can entirely avoid carbs, include low carb foods like whole grains such as quinoa, barley, and dairy products such as milk, cheese and also soy milk.5. Add More Fibre To Your Regular Diet: Load up on more fibre-rich foods. It aids keep you fuller for longer and takes time to digest totally, which reduces the chance of spiking blood sugar levels immediately. 6. Eat few foods such as beans, barley, and fruits like apples, pears, berries and citrus, and vegetables like broccoli, carrots and also beets.7. Ditch Refined Sugar: You all know that refined sugar is not good for your health, especially diabetics. Instead add sugar alternatives like jaggery, coconut sugar and raw honey in your daily diet. However, restraint is the key. Also look for products with hidden large amount of sugar in them. Tomato ketchup, sauces, dressings, etc. have hidden amount of sugar that not only negatively influence your blood sugar levels but also affect your overall health.
The Importance Of Exercise In Treating Diabetes
Exercise benefits people who are with diabetes and those at risk for diabetes by maintaining manage weight, by enhancing blood sugar levels, and by enhancing heart health. For a person who are with diabetes, exercise is just as essential as diet and medication. In fact, the Indian Diabetes Association recommends at least 30-40 minutes of physical activity that enhances the heart rate five days per week.It is essential to design a lifelong exercise routine that is both attainable and enjoyable. Walking is one of the simplest and most convenient options, but you may need to explore new options, too! You should exercise at a pleasant pace and do not overexert yourself. If you stick to a steady, daily program, you can expect these outcomes:• Enhanced insulin sensitivity (insulin works better)• Lower blood sugar levels• Improved energy and endurance throughout the day• Weight loss with developed muscle tone• A healthier heart and lower blood pressure• Better sleep daily night• Stronger bones and also a lower risk of osteoporosis• Better resistance to sickness• Enhanced cholesterol, heart rate, and blood pressure levels• Lower stress, anxiety, boredom, frustration and depression.
What Kind Of Footwear Should A Diabetic Wear?
Footwear Tips for Diabetes Patients
Avoid shoes with pointed toes.
Don’t purchase shoes with too flat a sole or high heels because they don’t allow for even distribution of foot pressure.
Look for styles that have soft insoles.
Choose leather, or suede styles to allow adequate circulation of air.