What has science done so far to cure AIDS

Scientists are striving hard to find a cure for this deadly epidemic right from 1980’s, The technological advancements have been paving ways to fight against this pernicious disease. Since last 25 years, scientists around the world have been trying harder to find a permanent treatment for this disease. According to UN estimates, more than two million people were infected with the AIDS virus since last year

Researchers have developed a whole new range of medicines that can significantly prolong the life of HIV affected  patients, But the people are out of reach due to the extremely high prices and lack of affordability.

There are many treatments equipped to cure HIV-infected patients, Right from man-made antibodies which are specifically engineered to fight against the HIV virus to the laser beams which are capable of delivering the drug precisely to the HIV-infected cells. Apart from these, the treatment of HIV has been made easier  by the eradicating the usage of pills or even using stem cells for finding a cure. These advanced scientific leaps open new doors in the life of HIV-infected patients.

Separates the Virus from DNA (CRISPR/Cas9) :

This medication may work as an antidote of AIDS in future. Scientists have developed an advanced method which separates the viral DNA from the infected cell. Basically, DNA is a substance which carries the genetic codes of animals or humans in the cells.  This gene editing has not been tested on humans yet but has experimented  on rats.

What has science done so far to cure AIDS

But it has to be tested adversely and practically prove that it can cure AIDS, which is caused by HIV virus. Antiretroviral drugs work effectively in preventing the virus from further growth.  The traces of the virus is  undetectable in the infectable people who used this drug for medication.

Scientists are  searching for a cure for AIDS and are trying to  unlock  the basic chemistry of the HIV virus and most likely to find a strategy for fighting the disease, which is capable of attacking another virus.

Separates the Virus from DNA (CRISPR/Cas9)

Scientific Progress for developing a Vaccine :

Generally, A dead or inactive variant of the disease-causing microbe is used for the development of a vaccine.  Using the antibodies that are drawn from HIV-infected people, including those known as “non-progressors,” scientists are working to develop a more powerful antibody which works effectively.

For example, A group of antibodies referred as PG 121 may be effective according to the research, Scientists have collaborative evidence to prove and explained why other have failed. “Immunogens” have been designed in search of a vaccine which basically uses protein to create antibody in the immune system.

The human body triggers the production of antibodies when an inactive virus is being released during vaccination process, But this is completely different in the case of HIV virus. No antibody can suppress this virus growth, as HIV virus has the  ability to evade the detection from the immune system and continuously mutate  into new forms. In short, Hiv virus changes it is formed rapidly and escapes the attack done by antibodies.

This is the major challenge that made researchers believe that effective  AIDS vaccine should  contain a series of related and slightly different proteins (immunogens) to train the body so that it can produce neutralizing antibodies against the noxious virus.

Scientific Progress for developing a Vaccine

Using  Lasers for treating AIDS :

It  may sound extreme using laser beams to kill the HIV virus. Researchers have explained in a broader fashion of this function, The cells soaked in the solution which contains antiretroviral drugs are pierced using a tiny laser, Then the cells open up swallow the medication and immediately closes.

This method has higher chances of success than the other conventional methods. Regular HIV medications by pill lead to excess dilution and these powerful drugs go through the entire stomach, intestines, lungs, and also nervous system. Instead of acting on the virus. This may have possible side effects.

Using  Lasers for treating AIDS

Lastly, These scientific advancements may be a bless for people infected with HIV virus. The science efforts like Laser treatment, creating new antibodies against AIDS have a new set of ingredients for medication. But there are many obstacles in finding a new way for the treatment of the disease and let us hope these medical advancements may be successful in finding a cure and fighting against HIV virus.

What has science done so far to cure AIDS

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