What Is Substance Abuse? How To Overcome It?

Substance Abuse
This may sound like an apparent question but how many people are able to explain an ‘addiction?’ The cause we ask this is because it is a word that is used a number of times in conversation, often without a full comprehension of what it means. How many numbers of times do you hear someone say that they are addicted to so and so when what they actually mean is that they have a particular liking and enjoyment of something? Down you can know a lot about this. [product sku=”INLF-164″]

What Is An Addiction?

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“A dependence on a particular substance or behaviour which affects physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing”. This is, in other words, a form of performance or behaviour which is both uncontrollable and habit forming. Addiction or sociable habit? The variance between an addiction and a liking for something is this: the removal of the source of this compulsive behaviour will result in cravings and withdrawal symptoms in someone with addiction but none in a person who merely enjoys something.

What Are The Types Of Addictions?

Understanding different types of addictions It is generally identified that there are two different variations of addiction that a person can agonise with.
  • One of those is substance addiction, which involves the abuse of legal or illegal drugs and the other is.
  • Second is a Behavioural addiction, which implicates no substance but instead can see a person becoming addicted to the destructive behaviour.
Within these two different types of addictions, there is the number of various substances or behaviours that an individual can fall victim to, and each one should be cured with the same care and contemplation as the next. Knowing everything about the types of addictions, substance addiction is very similar nowadays.

What Is A Substance Addiction?

Alcohol, prescription drugs, legal highs and illegal drugs are all substances that a person can become addicted too, and even if a substance is not considered as an additive, it can still cause a user to become dependent. Regrettably, there is still a large amount of stigma attached to this type of addiction and abuse, and this is largely down to the way that a sufferer’s personality can change when unable to use a substance.

Types Of Substances Addiction

Substance a list of addictions relating to the following substances:
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Opioids (like heroin)
  • Prescription drugs (sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics like sleeping pills and tranquillizers)
  • Cocaine
  • Cannabis (marijuana)
  • Amphetamines (like methamphetamine, known as meth)
  • Hallucinogens
  • Inhalants
  • Phencyclidine (known as PCP or Angeldust)
  • Other unspecified substances.

What Are The Causes Of Substance Addiction?

  • Genetic changes
  • Brain Chemistry
  • Environmental: Individuals born into homes in which addiction runs rampant are more likely to grow to develop a substance abuse disorder.
  • Psychological changes

What Are The Symptoms Of Substance Addiction?

  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Euphoria
  • Periods of hyperactivity
  • Agitation
  • Trouble in interpersonal relationships
  • Decreased motivation
  • Appearing to be intoxicated
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home, work, or school
  • Withdrawing from previously-pleasurable activities
  • Legal problems
  • Using drugs under risky conditions
  • Unexplainable need for money
  • Changes in personality or attitude
  • Violent, angry outbursts
  • Fearfulness
  • Aggressiveness.

How Do You Know If A Person Is Addicted To Drugs?

Image result for How Do You Know If A Person Is Addicted To Drugs?
Without directly questioning, the best way to recognise a drug problem is to observe any sudden changes in actions and also behaviours. Here are few sudden changes to keep in mind.
  • Mood swings
  • Withdrawing and isolation from family and friends
  • Loss of interest in few hobbies, sports, or favourite activities.
  • Change in sleeping patterns.
If you believe someone is undertaking sudden changes in behaviours, you may want to have a conversation to voice your concerns. This may not warrant an honest answer, but may it begin a dialogue around the subject of drug use, which is often taboo.

Side Effects Of Substance Addiction

  • Mood or behaviour changes;
  • Thoughts about hurting yourself;
  • Severe anxiety or depression;
  • Feeling like you might pass out;
  • Fast or pounding heartbeats;
  • Swelling, weight gain, feeling short of breath;
  • Confusion, increased thirst; or
  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite;
  • Constipation, diarrhoea;
  • A headache, dizziness, drowsiness;
  • Vision problems;
  • Problems with memory or thinking;
  • Weakness, cold or flu-like symptoms;

What Are The Treatments To Stop Drugs? And How To Get Rid Of Addiction?

Once you’ve perpetrated to recovery, it’s time to explore your treatment choices.
  • Rehabilitation (rehab): The total removal of drugs from the system is just the starting of the healing process. Rehabilitation includes using therapy to get to the core issues that initially fueled the addiction.
  • Behavioural counselling. Individual, group and family therapy can aid you to recognise the causes of using the drugs, repair your relationships, and learn healthier managing skills.
  • Medication may be utilized to manage withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, or treat any co-occurring mental health condition such as depression or anxiety.
  • Long-term follow-up can help to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety. This may include attending regular in-person support groups or online meetings to help keep your recovery on track.
How To Stop Addiction? Home Remedies, Exercises And Yoga, Poses To Cure Substance Addiction Naturally

Standing Bow Yoga Pose

Image result for Standing Bow
“This pose works great for concentration and balance, “It’s tough to balance at first because the mind is loud, but once it begins to quiet down this posture can be powerful.”
  • Start by standing with both feet jointly. Fetch your weight into your left leg and bend your right leg, moving your right heel toward your butt.
  • Reach your right hand around to obtain the raised foot behind your back. Grab your foot with all your fingers, holding it from the inner side of the foot at around ankle height. Expand your left arm upward, pointing it directly at the ceiling.
  • Keep this pose for 10 to 15 seconds, until you feel stable. Then slowly begin to bend forward at the hips. Place your left leg straight (without locking the knee) and try not to let go of your rising leg.
  • Keep the pose for as long as you are able, inhaling deeply in and out through your nose if that feels pleasant. When you are ready, move back to an upright position and slowly lower the right leg to the ground, coming back to standing. Repeat the pose on the other side.

Camel Pose

Image result for Camel yoga Pose
Camel posture is a big hip- and shoulder-opener, which is effective to release past trauma from the hips and shoulders.
  • Firstly kneel on the floor, keeping your knees hip-distance apart. Press your shins and the tops of your feet into the floor. Then keep your palms on the back of your pelvis, fingers pointing nearer to the floor.
  • Slant back, slightly tucking your chin toward your chest. If you are manageable to take the pose deeper, reach back with each hand to grab each heel. Your palms should rest on your heels with your fingers pointing nearer to your toes and your thumbs holding the outside of each foot.
  • As you lean back, do your best to keep the thighs perpendicular to the floor and hips straightly over your knees. If it’s difficult to grasp your heels without feeling compression in your low back, tuck your toes to upgrade your heels. And if leaning back is too much for your body, stay in the upright Camel Pose, leaning back only slightly as much as feels pleasant to get a nice stretch in your back, thighs and hips.
  • If you’re leaning back and holding your heels, lift up through your pelvis by keeping your lower spine long. Turn your arms outward without squeezing your shoulder blades. Keep your head in a standard position, or allow it to drop back as long as it doesn’t strain or crunch your neck. Hold Camel Pose up to 30 to 60 seconds.


Image result for Walking/Hiking
Popular studies have shown that the great outdoors can enhance the levels of dopamine during drug addiction treatment and a brisk 15-minute walk can aid fight cravings when they arise.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba
Going back to Ayurvedic medicine, the leaves of the ginkgo biloba tree, also called as the maidenhair tree, have determined to be an exceptionally potent way of curing several kinds of disorders, including drug addiction. There are multiple herbal supplements of ginkgo available, of course, but the leaves themselves, in all their natural glory, are the best home remedy.

Milk Thistle

Image result for Milk Thistle
The liver is a greatly helpful organ in the human body. It filters the blood to get rid of unwanted substances. Ironically, these addictive substances travel throughout the blood to affect our liver, which is why any type of drug addiction affects our liver the most. In such a case, it is essential to get the liver cleansed while getting rid of this addiction. Milk thistle is an Ayurvedic herb with hepato-protective properties and can aid the liver in opposing cirrhosis, hepatitis or any other form of liver disorders resulting from drug addiction.

Diet Control

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It’s amazing how the food you do and do not consume can affect your health in so many various ways. Adjusting your diet is a great natural remedy to promote healing from drug addiction. Eat foods high in antioxidants, such as colourful fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, berries, spinach and other leafy greens, and colourful peppers. Foods high in vitamin B6 are also beneficial, such as whole grains, beans, leafy greens, nuts and tofu. Above all are the solutions to drug abuse. If you are experiencing any drug addiction issue and finding ways to end it, then congratulations! You have already taken a right forward step towards a successful life. That being said, if the issue persists, then it is always advisable to opt for a proper rehabilitation centre, and first get yourself treated. After everything, it is a matter of your total life. [product sku=”INLF-51″]

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