Tasty Ways to Eat Flaxseeds

Tasty Ways to Eat Flaxseeds

Omega 3 fat is an essential thing required by our body as it helps in the smooth functioning of all the cells in our body. We need to incorporate different food types into our diet that contains this nutrient. Omega 3 helps to balance mood swings, protect us from depression and even prevent different heart diseases by keeping our heart healthy. Flaxseed or the oil in flaxseed contains a high amount of Omega 3. Along with this, it is also a very good source of fiber and great for individuals fighting constipation. We need to consume around 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil on a daily basis to reap all these wonderful health benefits.

But flaxseed oil on itself has a unique taste that might not suit everyone’s palate. So it is best recommended to add these flaxseeds to different meals in order to hide the taste as well as add a different texture or taste to the original meal. So how to use flaxseeds and make it tasty? You can use flaxseeds in the following 10 ways to make the intake as tasty as you can.


  1. You can use it in salads and sandwiches to add a crunch

Flaxseeds can be lightly roasted to give them a crunch. You can add such toasted flaxseeds to your sandwiches or salads to add a different texture to the meal. You can even use flaxseed oil while preparing the salad dressing. It can even be used in soups. It can do the work of croutons if you add toasted flaxseeds to a prepared soup.


  1. Use Flaxseeds while making muffins

You can add ground up flaxseeds to your muffin mix before baking them. Muffins are a lovely treat and by adding flaxseeds, you will be making it healthier. You can even use it to top muffins as well. Once your muffins are baked, you can top it with cream and sprinkle on some toasted flaxseeds. You can even use flaxseeds to make oat cookies. They add a wonderful crunch to the cookies.

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  1. Mix flaxseeds with your breakfast yogurt

Many people love to have nonfat yogurt for breakfast as it is a very healthy option. You can add fruits and flax seeds to the yogurt to make it more healthy and tasty. By adding toasted flaxseeds, you will be adding an element of crunch. This is one of the uses of flaxseeds. This can be a very good option who are trying to lose weight as well. Your stomach will be kept full for a long time, and it is very nutritious as well.


  1. Add flaxseeds to the oatmeal, protein shakes or smoothies

If you are in a hurry and do not have time to sit and eat a proper breakfast, then the best idea is to make a smoothie for yourself and have it on the go. Adding a bit of flaxseed to your breakfast will not only provide your body with a lot of omega 3 but also make you stay in a good mood throughout the day. You can add flaxseed to round about any type of smoothie or protein shake. You can even add some roasted flaxseeds to your morning oatmeal to make t crunchy and delicious.


  1. Coating chicken with a flaxseed mixture

Flaxseed can be roasted and then ground to form a lovely crumb for your chicken. You can use this crumb to fry fish as fell. All you need to do is dip your fish or chicken in some egg batter and then coat it with the flaxseed crumbs. Then you can sauté it or fry it according to your liking. You can mix it with other coatings like coconut and herbs. You can use the coating for some vegetables as well.


  1. Rolling your French toast in flaxseed before cooking it

You can roll the French toast in flaxseeds before you put it into the skillet. This is a good way to add some crunch to the French toast as well as make it healthier. And this is extremely simple as you do not have to toast it or grind it before using. It adds a very healthy element to your French toast.

french toast

  1. Flaxseeds can be a good topping for ice cream or cottage cheese

You can sprinkle some whole roasted flaxseeds or some ground up flaxseeds on top of your ice cream or cottage cheese. Another good but indulgent way to adding flaxseed as a topping is to toss in some caramel. All you need to do is prepare some caramel in a pan and add the flaxseeds right before taking it off the flame. This is a great way to make children have these flaxseeds.

ice cream

  1. Mix it up with applesauce

Are you a lover of applesauce? If so, then you can mix it up with ground flaxseeds to make it healthier. Also, you can mix it up with spaghetti sauce, granola and hummus for getting a healthy and tasty meal.

  1. Use flaxseeds while baking

Since flaxseeds are very good for your health, it is a  good thing to use while baking. You can add ground up flaxseeds mixed with water for making any types of cakes, pancakes, and bread. Banana bread and pumpkin bread are two type of bread that tastes amazing with flaxseeds. You can even sprinkle them over cupcakes to make them more delicious.

  1. Incorporating flaxseeds in the different dishes you already eat

Flaxseeds can be incorporated into any recipe. You can introduce flaxseeds into any meal by either grinding them up or adding whole toasted ones to the recipe. For example, you add flaxseed ground with water to the chicken curries or the casserole dishes you generally prepare for dinner.

Flaxseeds is a very good ingredient that can be used in almost all meals. You need to chew the whole toasted ones very well before you swallow them, or it can become a bit difficult to digest. These are some of the ways for how to eat flaxseeds.

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