“Health is wealth.” Though we are all aware of this famous quotation but still at times, we really forget to maintain our health. Maintaining health is extremely important to prevent various diseases, to make you strong and moreover to improve and retain mental stability. This is because physical fitness is always necessary to boost up mind and soul. Keeping awareness about your hormones is yet another trait which is important in keeping the whole body fit and firm. Though the signs of hormonal malfunction are very less in number, still it is not a good thing to overlook the symptoms which may lead to various ailments due to hormonal imbalance.
There are certain symptoms related to hormonal imbalance, and it is to be noted that if your experience any one or more of these signs regularly, then there is something not right with your hormones. Message from the endocrine system of your body may indicate that it is high time to take proper care and check what is wrong. Let’s look at some of the signs related to hormonal imbalance.
- Sudden changes in weight: so disgusting

Metabolism which is related to hormones can make you gain or lose weight. The hormones regulate metabolism which leads to the condition of how the fat is stored within our body or how easily the fat gets burnt. Causes of hormonal imbalance include unbalanced levels of hormones within our body. When a person experience fluctuations in terms of weight and that too within a short span of time, then it is an alarming sign which shows that your hormones are not in control. Endocrine ailments like unbalanced thyroid and adrenal glands can be found in those who are experiencing hormonal disturbances. Some changes in food habits and regular exercise can cure or control such hormonal conditions. Studies have shown that intake of more proteins instead of fat foods and carbohydrates can help a lot to stabilize the hormones. In the above-mentioned cases, the patients may feel excessive hunger and may intake more food than required without gaining adequate energy throughout the day. Among various symptoms, these are indeed the most common signs of hormonal imbalance which must be treated without any delay.
- Reduction of muscle mass: am I too lean?

Losing the muscle mass is also included among the various signs of hormonal imbalance. There are a number of hormones that work within the human body for maintaining the muscle mass. Apart from the thyroid and hormones that create insulin, the growth hormones are absolutely necessary for the muscle mass. If there is any problem with the growth hormones, one can see the adverse effect of it. When all these hormones stop synchronizing with each other, your body can lose the ability to break down the food and digest it. This hormonal imbalance will not allow the body to absorb the protein from foods thereby it will hinder the process of building new muscle. Such muscle atrophy can be treated with regular exercises which should include weight training as well as some amount of cardio just for a half or one hour a day. Moreover, it is important to eat more protein, and you should restrict the amount of carbohydrate in your diet. Apart from these a sound sleep of 8 hours a day and relaxing is perfect to restore the hormones.
- Problem in digestion: need some remedy
- Sudden increase in food cravings: want to eat more
- Sweating and mood swings: can’t control myself
So, if you face any such problem or the symptoms mentioned above, then visit doctor immediately. If your hormonal imbalance is not treated for long, then it may create some other serious illness.