Tag Archives: Physical activity

What Is Metabolism And What Are The Factors That Affect It?

What Is Metabolism And What Are The Factors That Affect It?

Metabolism basically refers to all the chemical processes that go on continuously inside our body that allow life and normal functioning. The process of maintaining normal functioning in the body is called homeostasis. Furthermore, these processes include those that break down nutrients from our food and those that build and repair our body.  Generally, building […]

What Is The Difference Between LDL And VLDL?

What Is The Difference Between LDL And VLDL?

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) are two different types of lipoproteins found in your blood. Lipoproteins are a combination of proteins and different types of fats. They carry cholesterol and triglycerides through the bloodstream. Cholesterol is a fatty substance which is important for building cells. In your body, it is most commonly created […]

Here Are The Physical Activity Guidelines For The Elderly People

Here Are The Physical Activity Guidelines For The Elderly People

Physical Activity Guidelines For The Elderly People How much physical activity do older adults aged 60 and over should to do to keep them healthy? The amount of exercise you need to do each week depends on your level of health and age. In order to stay healthy or to your improve health, as an […]

Decoding aamir khan’s body transformation secrets in the movie Dangal

Decoding aamir khan's body tramsformation secrets in the movie Dangal

You certainly might have come across the latest ‘Talk of the town today!’ The Flab to Fab avatar? The body transformation? Yes, millions and millions of fans and crazy followers, just one movie release in a year with unprecedented anticipation among masses and that is Aamir Khan for you! In Dangal, Aamir is playing the […]

Warning Signs Of Your Hormones Getting Out of Balance

“Health is wealth.” Though we are all aware of this famous quotation but still at times, we really forget to maintain our health. Maintaining health is extremely important to prevent various diseases, to make you strong and moreover to improve and retain mental stability. This is because physical fitness is always necessary to boost up […]