Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Symptoms Of Gallbladder Problems

Symptoms of Gallbladder Problems

One of the most neglected organs in our body is the gall bladder. It is not until that the organ starts causing trouble that we pay any attention to it. The gallbladder serves as a little sack that holds all the bile secreted by the liver. It is located right below the liver, for easy […]

Home Remedies for Chest Pain

Home Remedies for Chest Pain

Do you suffer from chest pain often? This is something that you should never ignore. There are various types of chest pain you could have. Chest pain and breathlessness is also termed as angina.   Though chest pain generally takes place due to some reasons, they become more fatal at times. The usual reasons behind the […]

Amazing Home Remedies for Unwanted Hair Removal

Amazing Home Remedies for Unwanted Hair Removal

Do you have unwanted hair on your face that makes you feel embarrassed in public? Do you keep asking your friends always about how to remove hair from face or how to remove unwanted hair from body? No doubt, facial hair is a matter of great embarrassment. Not only facial hair but the unwanted hair in […]

Home Remedies For Back Acne How To Get Rid Of Them

Are the tiny acne on your back bothering you too much? Can’t you flaunt yourself with the backless tops due to this unwanted guest on your back? Well, you don’t need to worry anymore as there are several home remedies to get rid of back acne at an affordable cost. Also, these home remedies are […]

Benefits of Honey On Skin You Should Know

Benefits of Honey On Skin You Should Know

Who doesn’t want to have a naturally glowing skin and look like a diva? And, if this naturally glowing skin comes at an affordable price by using simple kitchen products, then wouldn’t it be an icing on the cake? Well, in this article we will discuss the benefits of honey on the skin. Have you […]

Amazing Health Benefits of Yogurt

Amazing health benefits of yogurt

Yogurt is considered as one of the most popular foods eaten in every household of our country. Many people buy it from the supermarket while some prefer to make it in their homes only. Yogurt is generally made from milk. Yogurt just like milk is also a good source of calcium and other valuable nutrients […]

How to Lose Visceral Fat Naturally

How to Lose Visceral Fat Naturally

There are four kinds of body fats namely, brown, white, subcutaneous and visceral. Brown fat is generally the muscles which when activated burns down the white fat. Leaner people have more of these brown fats than obese people. White fats store energy and are responsible for the production of the hormone Adiponectin that makes the […]

Yoga Asanas for Beginners

Do you know the importance of yoga in daily life? Yoga is typical spiritual exercises which help you to be fit with relaxation. Yoga brings out the peace of mind as well as keeps you healthy from tip to toe. The science is bonded with yoga since ancient time. The ascetic discipline with spirituality will […]