When viral and bacterial infection occurs in the lungs, then there is a high chance of pneumonia. Though it can easily be cured at home, but in some cases, you may require hospitalization to cure the problem. Not only adults but children also face this disease. You must know the details of pneumonia so that […]
Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal
Common colds are quite common during the winter. It is not always possible to prevent them. Though there is no specific cure for common cold apart from aspirin and rest, some home remedies can help to make the illness period shorter. There are some home remedies for common cold that help you to get well soon. […]
Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a very common lifestyle disorder which is marked by high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period of time. Short-term symptoms include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger while long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney failure, foot ulcers, and damage to the eyes. Prevention and treatment involve a healthy diet, physical exercise, maintaining a normal body […]
Indigestion is a problem faced by individuals in most households. The old theory was that indigestion is caused due to overeating when the food particles are not digested as soon as they are eaten. But in modern times, it is seen that indigestion has many other root causes. Indigestion can cause stomach aches and gastric […]
Nausea is a very uneasy feeling which is generally followed by vomiting. It is an intense feeling of sickness and uneasiness. It can be caused due to food poisoning, diarrhea, acid reflux or indigestion. Many a time it also happens to people with vertigo or motion sickness. There are some medicines that can help to […]
Diarrhea is generally caused when you eat something that does not suit your stomach. It can be caused by any particular ingredient in a dish. It can also be caused if any of the food items in the dish was not safe for digestion. But with the advancement of science and technology, diarrhea can be […]
Vitamin D straight away comes from the sun and it is produced in our body with the help of the skin that is exposed to sun. You can find vitamin D in many food items and it helps in strengthening the bones. With age, the vitamin d deficiency is very common concept because many men […]
Gas is very common in every house. Some people face it as a chronic problem and it becomes painful and problematic if you do not take proper care of the gas problem. Some people also face gas problems as an extended effect that will greatly affect the body and your mental stability. Gas also leads […]
Are you among the millions of people throughout the world who suffer a pathetic life sometimes due to painful sinus complications? Well, the sinusitis problem is really painful and wearying. But the problem is there is no specific helpful medicine that can cure sinus problems completely. All you need to do is follow some home […]
Most people try to avoid garlic due to its strong smell. It is mostly considered as a spice and is used sparingly in dishes. But having a bit of garlic on a daily basis has many health benefits. A garlic clove can be eaten raw and can also be used as a spice to enhance […]