Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Arjuna – The real herbal hero for the Heart

What is Arjuna herb? Arjuna is a real herbal hero for the Heart and its related diseases. Terminalia Arjuna is a tree that is derived from the genus of Terminalia. The bark of the Arjuna tree has been since long for preparing Arjuna supplements that are beneficial for the heart, angina, and its related side effects. Arjun for heart(Terminalia Arjuna) extracts have been […]

Biotin- A single supplement to all body needs

What is Biotin all about?  Biotin is an element that is used for preventing and treating Biotin deficiencies associated with pregnancy, long-term tube feeding, malnutrition, and rapid weight loss. It is also used for symptoms treatment like- hair loss, brittle nails, skin rash in infants (seborrheic dermatitis), diabetes, and mild depression.  As a supplement Biotin, it also […]

Want To Win Your Battle With The Bulge? Chitosan Provides An Effective Solution

Are you tired of searching for natural remedies that can help you lose fat in a steadfast and proper manner, yet lessen your cholesterol and body weight? Chitosan is one such dietary supplement which is sourced from the most unlikely component that you can think of when you talk of weight loss. Hundreds of dieters […]

Saffron – A Personal Beauty Spa for Great Skin

What is Saffron? In the ancient world void of any scientific developments, people had to evolve and survive with the help of whatever was provided to us by Mother Nature. From the absolute elementary use of plants and herbs people transferred to the luminous world of spices. With the tremendous healthful attributes of almost any […]

Test Your Flu I.Q. – Are you prepared for the monsoons?

What is it? Influenza is basically a viral infection which attacks the respiratory tract and majorly affects the throat, nose, and even lungs in serious cases. The symptoms of influenza usually start emerging from the first day to the fourth day right after infection. They may also appear all of a sudden. For most of […]

Dealing With Migraine – Zap It Before It Starts

What does migraine mean? Migraine is a localized form of headache that attacks only a part of one’s brain. The pain is progressive in nature and starts from low intensity and gradually takes its most painful form. It is accompanied by sensitivity towards light and sound. The throbbing inside the head makes migraine a more […]

Having Trouble Breathing? Take Care Before It’s Too Late – Get Checked For COPD

What is COPD? COPD better understood as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a disease related to the functioning of the breathing organs or lungs. People who have been diagnosed with this disease tend to have breathing problems due to the blockage of airflow in and out from the lungs. Like most diseases, this one too […]

Nature’s Miracle Workers – Natural Antibiotics Found In Your Kitchen For Good Health

Naturally available antibiotics tend to work on human body miraculously when it comes to recovery. They help in strengthening the immunity system of the body naturally and also help in fighting illnesses like the flu, cold and cough proactively. Natural antibiotics don’t have any side effects and thus can be considered as the safest and […]

Unleash the goodness of Grape Seed Extracts

Grape fruit seed extracts, as the name itself suggests, is a powerful liquid, extracted from the fruit as well as the seeds of grapefruit. Ever since time immemorial, the multi-beneficial liquid, has been used across the societies in Asia, Europe and South America to get clear and supple skin, hair as well as shining home […]