Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Warning Signs of Heart Attack and Its Symptoms

Heart Attack Warning Signs

Each and every year, you find millions of people fall prey to heart attacks. But then, every year there are also people who survive these heart attacks and go back to their normal life. Research indicates that heart attacks have been the prime cause of deaths among both men and women. With the advancement in […]

Natural Benefits of Lemon for Beauty, Health and Cooking

Lemon Benefits (2)

LEMONS – Little bright yellow fruits with tangy juice are the most popular citrus fruits known to mankind. Be it Indian Ayurveda or Italian cuisine, these small fruits are practically a culture themselves. A native of Asia, uses of lemon are many. It is used extensively to cure physical and mental health conditions. They also […]

10 Best Healthy Foods To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Foods to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stressful events don’t always have to be serious catastrophic happenings; stress can arise from day to day events such as work pressure, approaching deadlines, minor arguments or traffic jams. As a response to stress, hormone cortisol is released from the adrenal cortex that promotes food cravings, specially carbs and sweet foods. At this point, eating […]

5 Harmful Bone Diseases Of Calcium Deficiency In Body

Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium is the major building block of the body, and it is present in bones, teeth, nerve cells, body tissue and blood. Progressing age and a malnourished diet can lead to calcium deficiency in the body that can cause diseases such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, hypocalcemia, etc. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and diet […]

10 Best Workouts for Toning Arms and Reducing Flabbiness

Workouts for Toning Arms and Reducing Flabbiness

Arms muscles are used by every individual day in and day out. Everyday chores like moving groceries, cleaning vessels, raking the leaves etc., all of these activities are done with the help of arms. This obviously signifies why it is important to include toning exercises for arms in your daily regime of workouts for weight […]

All About Omega 3 Fatty Acids, EPA And DHA

omega 3 fatty acids

Medical conditions like diabetes, high pressure, high level of bad cholesterol LDL, low level of good cholesterol HDL, etc. have become a common occurrence among the people. Usually, these diseases are more prominent among individuals above 40 years. However, lately the younger generations are also getting afflicted with it. Such symptoms, if left untreated, are […]

10 Natural Hair Packs for Treating Split Ends and Frizzy Hair

Home Remedies For Controlling Frizzy Hair And Split Ends

Hair is one of the most beautiful adornment for a woman and each and every woman dreams to have healthy and shining hair inspite of split hair. But various internal and external factors such as lack of nutrients in the diet, sun exposure, pollution and over-use of hair styling products leads to hair dryness, frizziness […]