Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Calcium – Vitamin D3: Benefits, Dosage, Relationship & Synthetic Sources

Calcium Vitamin D3 Benefits

Isn’t it surprising that a large number of the population — up to 90% of adults in the world — are considered to have a calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency? Many doctors have started to take this deficiency very seriously; in fact, calcium and vitamin D3 is one of the most suggested supplements by physicians […]

What Are The Different Synthetic Sources Of Calcium And Vitamin D3?

Calcium Sources

Receiving adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals is important for optimal health and avoiding chronic disease states. These nutrients execute thousands of roles in the body, from building muscle, bone and skin, enhancing your immune system and changing food into energy. Unlike other vitamins and minerals, most of the calcium and vitamin D3 tablets you […]

What Is The Relationship Between Vitamin D3 & Calcium?

Have you ever questioned your healthcare professional that why have you been prescribed vitamin D3 along with calcium supplements in case of calcium deficiency? Well, if you still have any doubts regarding this, get a detailed clarity on the relationship between calcium and vitamin D3 by reading further below. Relationship Between Calcium and Vitamin D3 […]

What Is Calcium And Vitamin D3 Good For?

If you are a health freak, you might be aware that calcium supplements have been under burning debate in recent times and there are many studies on suggesting calcium recommended for osteoporosis and other health concerns. It is also essential for the vital functions of the heart as your heart is formed from specialized muscle […]

8 Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts Of Pistachios

Pistachios Inlife

Pistachios are one of the world’s most popular nuts. Their distinctive green fruits crop up in everything from salads to hot dishes and desserts, though they may be most popular on their own as a midday snack: dry-roasted and lightly salted to perfection. The ritual of cracking the nuts out of their cream-coloured shells is […]

10 Amazing Onion Benefits For Health And Beauty

It turns out that onions are nothing to cry over — these flavorful bulbs are packed with nutrients. Chopping onions is a task worth shedding a few tears over because their benefits far outweigh those moments of discomfort. While yellow and red onions have slightly more nutritional value than white onions, and cooked onions are […]

Is There Any Link Between Gut Health And Mental Health?

In the world of medicine and also nutrition, there is been a lot of buzz about the relationship amongst gut health and mental health, over the past number of years. As a health junkie and also nutrition enthusiast, I was hearing about this continuously, so I decided to investigate into the deep and complex subject […]

10 Incredible Health Benefits Of Cashew Nuts

Who doesn’t know about cashew nuts? Kaju is what we call them in India. We mostly use them for sweets and children love to eat them raw, as they are. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which are required for the normal functioning of the body. [product sku=”INLF-108″] They belong to Brazil, but the […]