Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Home Remedies That Help You Through Anti Aging

Aging is a fact of life. While one cannot completely stop the process from occurring, there are certain things that can be done to reduce the effects of aging on the body. The following are few effective home remedies for anti-aging. How will you choose to reduce the signs of aging on your body? Here […]

How Can Mood Swings Be Controlled Naturally ?

How Can Mood Swings Be Controlled Naturally ?

Ever notice that how your mood swings can be a diet killer? Anxiety, stress and also crankiness can all sabotage your diet causing you to eat more and pack on those few unwanted pounds. Find the effective answer to keeping your moods under control with some of the nature’s best-kept secrets. Whether you have a […]

Foods To Eat To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Dark circles and dark bags under your eyes is probably one of the most common cosmetic complaints among both men and also in women, regardless of their age. According to the dermatologists, nine out of ten people at some point in their whole life will have dark under their eye circles. Why do you have […]

How Can You Use Aloe Vera To Treat Facial Wrinkles

How Can You Use Aloe Vera to Treat Facial Wrinkles

It is in human common nature to try to look old when we are in our infant years or teenage and then try to look young till dead.   In the search of staying young, we will stumble upon for many options that will tempt us, mislead us and eventually deceive us but fear not […]

Health Benefits Of Cow Colostrum

Health Benefits of Cow Colostrum

What Is Cow Colostrum? Colostrum is the pre-milk substance produced from all the mammals at birth. True cow colostrum is the pre-milk in the udder when the calf is born. This true cow colostrum can be collected during the first milking within 16 hours after birth as  after this it becomes transitional milk and after […]

Health Benefits Of Soy Miso

Soy miso is a Japanese food that is basically made from soybeans, after fermenting it, and then grounding it into butter like paste. Some more ingredients can also be added into it like rice, wheat and barley, rice, or wheat to expedite the fermenting process and add to its flavor and nutritional values.   Here […]

Home Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infections are fairly common. What is a vaginal yeast Infection? Vaginal yeast infection is something that can occur by a fungus called Candida  which is the main cause of this infection. This infection can spread even through cold and disease if your immune system is affected, but sometimes vaginal yeast can multiply out […]

Best Healthy Habits For Healthy Life

Maintaining healthy habits from the start can help your children to grow and develop their full potential and help your whole family avoid lifestyle problems that can occur later in life, such as overweight and obesity, type-2 diabetes, types of cancer and high blood pressure. Here are few tips to help you and your family […]