Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Get rid of saggy breasts using these super foods

Get rid of saggy breasts using these super foods

Get Rid Of Saggy Breasts In every woman, over the time the breast starts to lose their elasticity and suppleness and also begin to sag. Breast sagging usually starts when the woman reaches the age of 35-40 or more, but in certain cases, women at a very young age start developing their saggy breasts. Some […]

These are the health benefits that a happy marriage can give you!

These are the health benefits that a happy marriage can give you!

Being happily married doesn’t only give you joy and please but it also gives you some of the desirable health benefits! Whatever it may be like emotional, physical or mental health, the benefits of happy marriage life are undeniable. The talk is also true that an unhappy marriage can generally be damaging and hurtful to […]

Why An Ancient Disease Has Become Today’s Problem- Tuberculosis

why TB an ancient disease has become today's problem

  The german physician Robert Koch first identified the bacteria which causes tuberculosis in the year 1882, before this deadly disease of the chest was commonly known as white plague or consumption. The doctors could provide them few measures beyond keeping them nourished and a clean environment after Koch found the disease’s cause. In the […]

TB – symptoms, causes and home remedies

TB - symptoms, causes and home remedies

Know Everything About TB TB – Tuberculosis is a serious infection that usually affects the lungs. It’s an opportunistic disease that preys on those who have weaker immune systems. Anyone can develop active TB, however, you’re more likely to develop it if you already have a poor immune system or in poor health. Most cases […]

Revise your kid’s diet to minimize stress and maximize learning

Revise your kid's diet to minimize stress and maximize learning

Revise your kid’s diet to minimize stress A child’s diet is one of the most easily neglected aspects during their examination. It has been observed that many kids who usually eat healthy end up eating a lot of junk food. Plan out your kids’ exam diet in advance, once discuss it with them and you […]

How To help A Child With Down Syndrome

The World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is observed on the 21st of march every year. It is a global awareness day which was officially observed by the United Nations in 2012 and since then it is observed every year. The date for WDSD signifies the uniqueness of the triplication or trisomy of the 21 chromosome […]

Down syndrome – Causes, symptoms and home treatments

Down syndrome - Causes, symptoms and home treatments

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder and also most common autosomal chromosome abnormality in humans, where extra genetic material from chromosome 21 is transferred to a newly formed embryo. These extra genes and DNA cause changes in a development of the embryo and fetus resulting in physical and mental abnormalities. Each patient is unique and […]

Top 3 delicious Gluten and lactose free diet recipes you must try

Top 3 delicious Gluten and lactose free diet recipes you must try

Top 3 delicious Gluten and lactose-free diet recipes Gluten and lactose-free diets can help those who are suffering from the celiac disease. Many people are with gluten intolerance also suffering from lactose allergies. If you have abdominal pain after you eat milk or cheese you may be allergic to lactose too. For one reason or […]