Beat Your Body and mouth bad Odour Is anything worse than seeing people who turn their faces away from you when you are talking to them? Body odour and mouth bad odour can be very embarrassing and tough on those around you. Millions of people suffer from both body and mouth bad odour without even […]
Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal
Prevent Arthritis There has been a lot of information about arthritis over the years. It will be hard to distinguish fact from fiction. Arthritis is not only a single disease. Instead, the term “arthritis” is used to refer to a joint pain or joint disease. There are of 100 different types of arthritis. Arthritis pain […]
How to Revive your mood? Do you ever find yourself by feeling a bit low on energy or in a grumpy mood for no apparent reason? The good news is that you can also choose to boost your mood whenever you wish, as long as you know how! It is but natural to experience being in […]
Depression Post Abortion, Heal Yourself Deciding to have an abortion is more difficult for some women while others can find it a very clear and also obvious choice for their specific situation. Yet, it is difficult to predict just how a woman can react to an abortion. Even if she initially felt secure in her […]
It is good to see that now a day’s people around the world are ready to make changes in order to adopt a healthy lifestyle. With so many new diseases and illnesses coming up each day, it has become mandatory for all of us to make such changes to keep our self fit and healthy. […]
Recipes For Detoxification Weight Watchers!! If you are looking to revive yourself by increasing your energy level and also your overall well-being, a body detox can be in order. Detoxification is one of the processes of eliminating toxic substances from your body. Before beginning one detox diet, it is always good to check with your […]
How To Improve Your Lung Capacity Life, a decade back was not as technologically advanced as now. It was not as fast paced as it is this very moment. Living might not have been this convenient then, but there is a host of concerns which are looming over human health today. That health concerns few […]
Cure swine flu with these remedies Swine flu is a highly spreadable respiratory disease which caused by one of several swine influenza viruses. Swine flu influenza virus can be transmitted to humans via contact with infected pigs or an environment contaminated with swine influenza viruses. Signs and Symptoms of swine flu Manifestations of swine flu […]
Garcinia Cambogia – Myth Or Magic? In this era many people are very much curious about Garcinia Cambogia and scientists are also doing several experiments to know the different benefits of this fruit. Garcinia Cambogia is mostly found in Southeast Asia, including India. This fruit is called by different names in different places. An extract […]
How to improve Your Personal Hygiene Personal Hygiene is one of the hot topics, which everybody feels they are experts on, but fails to give importance to it in their daily lives. By maintaining a good personal hygiene is not only important for keeping up with good looks, but it is also necessary for maintaining […]