Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Easy and effective tips to treat dry cough

Easy And effective Tips To Treat Dry Cough

Tips To Treat a dry cough A cough is one of the most common health problems. When there is a blockage in your voice or irritant in your throat or upper air passages, your brain thinks a foreign element is present and tells your body to cough to remove that element. This can be irritating […]

Acne on your neck? Here are the reasons and remedies

Acne On Your Neck? Here Are The Reasons

Acne On Your Neck? Everyone knows that acne is bad. But acne on the neck? That’s the worst possible thing anyone would imagine! It causes pain and irritation and it looks weird. It is the worst condition of the skin which shows up as different types of bumps. These bumps will also be blackheads, whiteheads, […]

Do you know about the natural painkillers in your kitchen?

Do You Know About the Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen?

Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen Pain can come out of nowhere! At times, we don’t know why. And you can find the cure right next to your room! Still guessing the possibilities? Of course, your kitchen! Unfortunately, most of us fail to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of us don’t eat healthily and turn towards […]

Green coffee bean extract a weight-loss wonder

Green Coffee Bean Extract A huge fraction of the world population is fighting against unhealthy weight gain. Being fat is not just a matter of appearance but also poses the threat of various lifestyle diseases like heart issues and diabetes. Despite many attempts by means of gym training, dieting, and yoga, many people fail to […]

Fibroids – The symptoms, causes and home remedies

Fibroids - The Symptoms, Causes And Home Remedies

Know About Fibroids Fibroids are most frequently seen tumors in the female reproductive system. Fibroids, are also known as uterine fibromas, myomas, or leiomyomas, are firm, compact tumors that are usually made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue which develop in the uterus. It is estimated between 20 percent to 50 percent of […]

How to deal with the mood swings of your elderly parent

How To Deal With The Mood Swings Of Your Elderly Parent

Elderly Parent And Their Behaviour Are your aging parents driving you a little worried? If so, you are not alone. Whether we are feeling loving or merely dutiful, we are probably trying to do the right thing for them.  Let us admit it, it can be really hard at times, handling the mood swings of […]

Natural DIY skin care tips to fix dry skin during winter

DIY Skin Care Tips For Dry Skin Every time the winter wind blows, it takes some of our skin’s moisture with it. And for many people, the cold days of winter bring more than a rosy glow to their cheeks. They bring uncomfortable dryness to the face, feet, and hands. Cosmetics are great and all, […]

Toddler-friendly finger foods you must know

Toddler-friendly Finger Foods You Must Know

Finger Foods For Babies Self-feeding is a vital skill that your baby can learn around 9 or 10 months of age and master by 12 – 15 months. Nutrition amid the first year of your baby’s life is really important for proper development and growth. Babies are also developing motor as well as oral skills. […]

Simple And Easy Scoliosis Exercises You Can Do At Home

Simple And Easy Scoliosis Exercises You Can Do At Home

Easy Scoliosis Exercises Apart from the food you eat, physical activity is one of the most vital factors in being free from any chronic diseases. It is also something that can be added to any lifestyle because there are plenty of ways to get your everyday exercise. An imbalanced back can even lead to injury, […]

Tips to regulate your menstrual cycle

Tips To Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle

Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle Typically, menstruation cycle for a woman begins when she hits puberty and continues until her menopause. Most of the women will experience their menstrual cycle right from the time they come of age to the time they are 50! And, for many women, their monthly period is nothing more than an […]