Tag Archives: depression

How Has Self-Determination Theory Helped People Overcome Depression?

overcome depression

According to the latest research, the self-determination theory is doing a lot more than anticipated to help people battle their worst fears and move forward in different sectors of their lives. The theory is based on increasing inner confidence amongst individuals to overcome depression. Before we get to learn the different ways that self-determination has […]

The Symptoms And Treatment for Suicidal Thoughts

The Symptoms And Treatment for Suicidal Thoughts

Anxiety and depression are the leading mental illnesses that are widespread in the world today. With all the work stress, meeting the social and personal requirements of the so-called society is taking a toll on how people feel about themselves and has been increasing invariably in the past few years. The most important thing to […]

Top 5 Amazing Foods That Prevent Premature Ejaculation


Foods That Prevent Premature Ejaculation For many men, premature ejaculation occurs rarely. But, if it becomes a frequent issue, it may inhibit your sex life seriously. As men get older, this condition may become a more frequent problem. It is often related to testosterone levels which naturally decrease with age. It doesn’t make it any […]

The psychological consequences post abortion every woman must know

The Psychological Consequences Post Abortion Every Woman Must Know

Psychological Consequences Post Abortion Women are often surprised to find that abortion may be a traumatic experience. Generally, women are not encouraged to share their responses towards abortion. Often it is kept a secret and women are left alone with their feelings. The grief a woman may experience after an abortion is not often recognized […]

How to deal with the mood swings of your elderly parent

How To Deal With The Mood Swings Of Your Elderly Parent

Elderly Parent And Their Behaviour Are your aging parents driving you a little worried? If so, you are not alone. Whether we are feeling loving or merely dutiful, we are probably trying to do the right thing for them.  Let us admit it, it can be really hard at times, handling the mood swings of […]

Beware: Chronic stress can lead towards brain inflammation

Brain Inflammation, I know you might think, is this for real how is such an health alignment possible and why haven’t have we heard about it so far, well it’s true recent Diagnosis on  patients with clinical depression due to environmental chronic stress in combination with some genetic disorders has revealed that clinical depression. And […]

The signs and symptoms of rage disorder

The signs and symptoms of rage disorder

Rage disorder is also called as “intermittent explosive disorder” which results in sudden anger which is uncontrollable.People suffering from rage disorder suddenly explode into acrimony without any reason. Individuals suffering from this have described that they tend to lose control on emotions and behave angrily. Patients suffering from extreme cases may actually harm objects, animals, […]

What are the factors responsible for Chronic inflammtion in women

What are the factors responsible for Chronic inflammtion in women

Inflammation is thought to be the root of the diseases. No… It’s not. This is because almost all the ailments stem from inflammation. What do you think when you hear the word inflammation? The first thing that comes to your mind is probably a swollen knee or a puffed pimple on your face. These are […]

Apps to induce calmness and improve peace of mind

If you think this  world as  a stressful place to probably you are not alone. Constantly, feeling anxious and frustrated about yourself will drain all the energy and makes you feel like losing control of your life. These difficult situations often lead to stress and make you indecisive. As, problems are a part and parcel […]

Do Anxiety And Depression Have Adverse Effects On Sleep?

Modern lifestyle has made depression and anxiety a common issue for many people. Some of us can’t sleep on a few nights and in the morning, that makes us feel tired and groggy. It also affects our mood, productivity and even more. The image that happening every night. For many people, that is a reality. […]