Category Archives: Beauty

How Can You Use Aloe Vera To Treat Facial Wrinkles

How Can You Use Aloe Vera to Treat Facial Wrinkles

It is in human common nature to try to look old when we are in our infant years or teenage and then try to look young till dead.   In the search of staying young, we will stumble upon for many options that will tempt us, mislead us and eventually deceive us but fear not […]

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks After Pregnancy

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks After Pregnancy

Almost all women encounter stretch marks after pregnancy. Since they occur as a result of natural reaction to the fast growth and development of an expectant mother’s body, they can occur on almost any part on woman’s body, meaning that they can not only appear on the belly but can also appear on other regions. […]

Health Benefits Of Tomato


“Tomatoes are best in their natural form as that’s when they maintain their nutritional value. “ Tomatoes are a part of a healthy grocery list for numerous reasons. They are best known for their extremely high content of antioxidant benefits, which is nothing but lycopene. Recently, researchers have found several links between lycopene, A carotenoid […]

Foods That Are Rich Source Of Antioxidants

By now you may have heard about antioxidants, from health experts or on nutrition labels. You’ve been told to eat foods that are good for your stomach and those that protect your heart but what about replenishing the cells that make up these critical organs in our body? Antioxidants are substances which naturally occur in […]

Citrus Fruits That Can Boost Your Health

Citrus Fruits That Can Boost Your Health

Generally there are many citrus fruits that include grapefruits, limes, lemons, and oranges, in addition to pomelos and tangerines. The citrus fruits are not only yummy refreshing and tasty, but they are also considered the all-star foods because they are rich in compounds named flavonoids. Citrus fruits have been valued for long as part of a […]

Why Curd Should Be A Part Of Your Diet ?

Why Curd Should Be A Part Of Your Diet ?

You can remember that your mother feeding you curd before you step out for an exam or an important event. Generally in India, eating sweet curd before an important exam or job interview is considered auspicious. Curd is staple in most of the households in India. We eat it with hot parathas, as sweet lassi […]

Home Remedies For Excessive Armpit Sweating

Home Remedies For Excessive Armpit Sweating

Sweating is one of the right natural processes of the human body by which it releases its toxins, but what if that natural course of action becomes deviant by becoming a disorder? Unnecessary sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a disorder that is out of the ordinary and so a typical that it can even embarrass you. […]

Home Remedies For Healthy And Silky Hair

Home Remedies For Healthy Silky Hair

Which woman generally does not want shiny, healthy silky hair? In fact, hair dyes, blow dryers, straighteners, overexposure to sun & chlorinated water are only a few of numerous factors that cause the loss of moisture and shine and make our hair look brittle, frizzy and dry. If you are looking for few essential home […]

How To Prevent Premature Aging ?

How To Prevent Premature Aging ?

Most of us are familiar with the term anti-aging and you may have heard mention of the natural aging process, but premature aging is different. Premature aging is when your skin undergoes an unnatural aging process, such as with extreme sun exposure or living with an unhealthy lifestyle. Unnatural aging is almost always due to […]