Category Archives: Health

Foods That Can Ease Menopause Symptoms

Foods That Can Ease Menopause Symptoms

Most women in their mid-forties to mid-fifties will experience the symptoms of menopause to some degree. These can include anything from hot flushes, irritability and depression to headaches, nausea, night sweats, and poor sleeping patterns. During menopause, estrogen levels begin to drop and most women start to put on weight, particularly around the midriff.   […]

Essentials That A Woman Needs To Carry Handy

A handbag is not just a fashion accessory to a woman, it is a necessary companion everywhere you go because it houses the daily essentials which you cannot do without once you leave the house. So, ladies apart from your wallet, what else do you have in your handbag? Here are few things that every […]

Home Remedies To Deal With Choking Throat

Home Remedies To Deal With Choking Throat

Choking throat is no fun, it feels as if something is stuck interfering with one’s ability to swallow. There may be pain and hoarseness of voice as well. Often, a cold or an upper respiratory infection could cause such symptoms of ‘choked throat’. Symptoms  Coughing or gagging   Hand signals and panic (sometimes pointing to […]

How To Prevent Kidney Diseases ?

How To Prevent Kidney Diseases ?

Kidneys are the organs which filter waste products from the blood. They are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body. You might think that the kidneys only filter waste from your body, but your kidneys also regulate your blood pressure, protect your bones, and keep minerals […]

Do’s and Dont’s Of Breast Feeding Mothers

Do's and Dont's Of Breast Feeding Mothers

Breast feeding is the healthiest start by which you can give to your baby. Breastfeeding for the first few months of your infant’s life is optimum. Taking special care to encourage the milk production and avoiding habits which will diminish beneficial nutrients are good examples. New moms generally tend to feel overwhelmed with the ’overload’ […]

Home Remedies That Can Make You Increase Your Height

Home Remedies That Can Make You Increase Your Height

Home Remedies to increase your Height Most of us think & assume that the height we get by the age of 18 is genetically from our parents. Scientifically  speaking, yes you get your height from your genetics but there are quite good chances for increasing height by the age of 18 years. Having a proper […]

Tips To Keep Your Sensitive Skin Beautiful And Healthy

Tips To Keep Your Sensitive Skin Beautiful And Healthy

Tips For Sensitive Skin No one likes to be generalized. It can be frustrating to hear that there are only three basic types of skin: sensitive, oily, or normal. If you do not fit neatly in one of these categories, then undoubtedly, choosing skin care products can really be a daunting task. Women who have […]

All you need to know about vagus nerve

All you need to know about vagus nerve

The nervous system is the central portal to all body systems, including your bones. The process of bone remodeling cannot take place unless the appropriate signals are sent along the nerves to regulate the process. As a part of the human body’s autonomic nervous system, the vagus nerve is the “head honcho” of involuntary biological […]

Klinefelter Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Klinefelter syndrome: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Klinefelter syndrome is one of the groups of conditions which affect the health of males who are born with at least one extra X chromosome. Chromosomes, found in all body cells, contain genes. Genes provide specific instructions for body characteristics and functions. For example, some genes will generally determine height and hair color. However, other […]

Heavy Breathing : Causes And Home Remedies

Heavy Breathing : Causes And Home Remedies

Heavy breathing is defined as a high rate of respiration when an individual is in a resting state. For instance, prefer that, if the person is seated and continuing to breathe in a quick way despite the fact that they had not been physically active for more than an hour or they have been engaged […]