Tag Archives: Women

Essentials That A Woman Needs To Carry Handy

A handbag is not just a fashion accessory to a woman, it is a necessary companion everywhere you go because it houses the daily essentials which you cannot do without once you leave the house. So, ladies apart from your wallet, what else do you have in your handbag? Here are few things that every […]

The time has come for women to standup and defend ourselves

The time has come for women to standup and defend ourselves

In India, the cases of gender violence are increasing day by day and most of them go unreported or unregistered because of the thought of “what people will say”. Before we talk about teaching women the safety measures of preventing a rape, we should teach our sons and brothers about the same. In fact, every […]

Women, shut out the dilemma of taking care of yourself and your family

Women, shut out the dilemma of taking care of yourself and your family

Have you ever heard this ‘The art of self-care?’ For most of the women, the concept of self-care is lost during clamoring cell phones, impatient bosses, hungry kids, and a 24/7 news cycle that is continuously bombarding us with huge things to worry about. Women rank just about everything such as kids, work, friends, aging […]

Cause of Breast Cancer and Preventive Measures to Be Taken

In recent times Breast cancer is known to be a most leading matter of concern with the women. And the issue is gradually increasing among them due to their lifestyle. Throughout the world breast cancer has become the second most common sort of cancer and the fifth common cause of death. It is proved that […]

An “All You Need To Know About Guide” On The Benefits Of Breastfeeding

An "All You Need To Know About Guide" On The Benefits Of Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the first food that your baby gets from you soon after birth. It is considered the best and most important nutrition which babies get from their mothers.  Breast milk not only quenches the thirst of your baby but also boosts up his/her body immunity helping it to fight against the foreign bodies […]

The Major Importance Of Breastfeeding Beyond Basic Nutrition In An Infant’s Early Growth

It is said that the best gift of God to a mother is her baby. Truly your baby is the reflection of your motherhood. And the best gift of a mother to her baby is the breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide ideal food for your baby. It is the key to the […]

Golden Advice To First-Time Mothers On The Significances On Breastfeeding

“There is no substitute for a mother’s milk”, is undoubtedly a fact that many people started accepting now for the benefits of their infants. Breast milk is a nourishment for all the newborns that helps them in raising since the immemorial time. It helps in the healthy growth of the infants. Usually, breast milk is […]

What To Eat During Pregnancy? An Overview

What To Eat During Pregnancy? An Overview

A pregnant woman needs to safeguard that her diet delivers adequate nutrients and energy for her baby to grow and Develop properly, and also to make sure that her body is strong enough to deal with the variations that are happening. A pregnant woman’s calorie consumption matures during pregnancy. Nevertheless, this does not correspond that […]

The Symptoms Of Pregnancy And It’s Trimesters

The Symptoms Of Pregnancy And It’s Trimesters

If you ever start wondering that you got a baby on board, just pay close attention to your body. Because it will help you to identify the symptoms. You may think to drop into a nearby drug store or you may schedule an appointment with the doctor. But at times, the initial stage of pregnancy […]

5 Practices To Lower The Chance Of Urinary Tract Infections In Women

Urinary tract infection is one of the very severe problems of women. Sometimes it causes multiple side-effects which you cannot even discuss with the others. Most of the urinary tract infections cause Kidney problems in future. So, you need to be alert if there are any types of irritation or pain you feel for a […]