Category Archives: Health

10 Best Healthy Foods To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Foods to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stressful events don’t always have to be serious catastrophic happenings; stress can arise from day to day events such as work pressure, approaching deadlines, minor arguments or traffic jams. As a response to stress, hormone cortisol is released from the adrenal cortex that promotes food cravings, specially carbs and sweet foods. At this point, eating […]

5 Harmful Bone Diseases Of Calcium Deficiency In Body

Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium is the major building block of the body, and it is present in bones, teeth, nerve cells, body tissue and blood. Progressing age and a malnourished diet can lead to calcium deficiency in the body that can cause diseases such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, hypocalcemia, etc. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and diet […]

10 Best Workouts for Toning Arms and Reducing Flabbiness

Workouts for Toning Arms and Reducing Flabbiness

Arms muscles are used by every individual day in and day out. Everyday chores like moving groceries, cleaning vessels, raking the leaves etc., all of these activities are done with the help of arms. This obviously signifies why it is important to include toning exercises for arms in your daily regime of workouts for weight […]

All About Omega 3 Fatty Acids, EPA And DHA

omega 3 fatty acids

Medical conditions like diabetes, high pressure, high level of bad cholesterol LDL, low level of good cholesterol HDL, etc. have become a common occurrence among the people. Usually, these diseases are more prominent among individuals above 40 years. However, lately the younger generations are also getting afflicted with it. Such symptoms, if left untreated, are […]

10 Best Foods During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Best Postpartum Nutrition

Welcoming the special new member in the family is indeed the happiest moment for parents, but pregnancy is a big step for the mother where she is confronted with various physical, emotional and psychological changes. After the birth of the baby, the mother remains pre-occupied with its feeding and sleeping paying limited attention to her […]

Top 10 Fat Burning Fruits that help in Weight Loss

Fat Burning Fruits

The present hectic lifestyle along with over-dependence on processed and junk foods that are rich in carbs, salt, and refined sugar is taking a toll on our health. Obesity has emerged as a global epidemic that is leading to various other health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, and osteoarthritis. The most […]

Home Remedies to Control Diabetes and Its prevention


Diabetes is the most prevailing health problem at the present time. Any person from any walks of life is prone to this condition. The count of diabetes patients has seen a significant rise in the recent years and continues to increase at an alarming rate.  Diabetes afflicts more than 380 million people all over the […]

8 Best Home Workouts For Weight Loss

Lateral Lunge

The importance of physical activity and exercises need no new emphasis. It not only helps in giving us better appearance and heightening self-esteem but also acts as prevention for life-threatening diseases such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, diabetes and cancer. A healthy lifestyle that combines a well-balanced weight loss diet along with regular exercise […]