Know All About Cataract – What It Is And When To Treat It?

When it comes to eye health, you have to perk up and clutch matter seriously.

Nothing can light up your life if your eyes take the way to darkness. Once the eyes are on an explicit route to darkness, there’s little you can do by way of saving them.

Every individual should know that a significant problem with eyes as you age is Cataract.

Is it Important To Know Few Facts About Cataract?

For most people, cataracts grow slowly and don’t obstruct the vision early on.

But with time and age, this will impede your daily life, and you will need eyeglasses.

You may require surgery down the line, generally, a safe and potent procedure. But still…the query is how to slow down cataracts?

If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone.

According to the Famous Research Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 20.5 million (17.2 percent) of people aged 40 years and older have a cataract in one or both eyes, and 6.1 million (5.1 percent) have had their lens removed operatively.

The total number of people who are suffered from cataracts is estimated to enhance to 30.1 million by the year 2020.

By current standards, pretty much every individual who will enter into the golden years of their 70s or 80s will have to deal with eye cataract symptoms, a highly common health issue affecting the eyes.

What Is Cataract?

What Is A Cataract?

Cataract meaning is one of the leading cause of blindness in the world. When a clouded, denseness appears in the lens of the eye, it is called a cataract.

The dense clouds are due to a grouping of proteins. The cloudiness avoids the lens from transmitting the signals to the brain.

The onset of this significant cataract disease is gradual and can eventually lead to a complete loss of vision.

One or both eyes may get affected. If the cataract is present in both eyes, chances are it would have developed at different times.

What Causes Cataracts? And Reasons For Cataract.

  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Chronic Smoking
  • The family history of cataract
  • Drinking immoderate amounts of alcohol
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight
  • Exposure to ionising radiation, such as that utilised in X-rays and cancer radiation therapy
  • Persistent High blood pressure
  • Morbid Obesity
  • Previous eye injury or inflammation
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cataract?

The most common symptoms of a cataract, noted by the National Eye Institute, are as follows:

  • Cloudy vision or blurry vision
  • Colours seem faded
  • Glare, lamps, headlights or sunlight may appear too bright. A halo may appear around lights.
  • Poor night vision
  • Double vision or multiple images in one eye. (This symptom may clear as the cataract gets more substantial.)
  • Repeated perceptions alter in your eyeglasses or contact lenses.

These symptoms also can be one of the signs of other eye problems. If you have any of these symptoms, check with your eye care professional.

Who Evolves Cataracts And How Common Are They?

  • Age-Related Cataract (senile cataract)

This is by far the most common type and affects older people. It becomes more common with increasing age. In all over the world, about 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 have a cataract. Men and women are equally affected.

Frequently both eyes may get affected, but one eye may be worse than the other.

Typically, an age-related cataract forms gradually over many years. Many people with an early age cataract do not perceive they have it.

This is because of the cloudiness that is caused by an early cataract is not too bad, and the vision is only mildly affected.

Other people will have their cataract diagnosis at a routine eye check before the signs and symptoms ever develop.

In some people, the cataract does not become too severe. However, in many cases, vision becomes gradually worse over the years.

  • Congenital Cataracts (present at birth)

These are unusual but essential to diagnose early. This is because vision and seeing have to be learnt at very advance in infancy. A cataract that is present at birth stops the eye from learning to see.

It can cause total loss of your eye vision (severe sight impairment) which may persist even if the cataract is removed later in life.

A congenital cataract must be removed as early as possible after birth. This is why few doctors inspect the eyes of babies as part of routine baby checks.

How To Prevent Cataracts Naturally At Your Place?

If you are looking for a permanent cure for eye cataract or the natural way to cure cataract, what you require to look into is prevention.

To date, cataract treatment is surgery, but there are lifestyle changes you can make to prevent cataracts and protect your vision.

Follow these easy tips:

Prevention Techniques For Cataracts

There are a few preventative calculations you can take to diminish your chances of getting cataracts.

The following list includes some of these measures.

  • Eye Exams

It is very essential to obtain yearly eye exams so that any abnormalities or problems can be detected in the early stages.

By deliberating about the problem early on, you can take other preventative measures to prolong the progression of development.

  • Smoking

Smoking enhances the chances of the evolution of cataracts. Smoking builds free radicals within your body that cause damage to many structures.

What free radicals do is obstruct the cells of your body turning your normal cells into free radicals as well.

Your body will no longer realise the distorted cells and begin to try to destroy them. In the process of shattering these damaged cells, the structure around them can also be damaged as well.

  • Sun Exposure

As mentioned earlier, radiation can cause cataracts. Sunlight is a form of radiation that can cause these damages as well. By restricting exposure, you can significantly decrease your chances to get detected with this disease.

However, wearing protective eyewear such as UV blocking sunglasses can aid as well.

  • Take Care Of Yourself

Particular illnesses such as diabetes increase the possibilities of cataracts. It is very essential that you take care of all health circumstances that you may have.

Apart From Prevention Methods, There Are Home Remedies To Treat Cataract

What Are The Natural Home Remedies For Cataract?

1. Garlic Cloves As A Solution For Cataract

1. Garlic Cloves as a Solution for Cataract

The multiple health benefits of garlic are countless and hence beyond description.

It’s a good thing that this amazing vegetable can swish its magic wand on cloudy eyes too.

All you have to do is to take 2-3 cloves of garlic every day.

The effect of garlic is such that it washes your lens as you have just cleaned them with soap and water. Try it today itself!

2. A Diet Rich That Is In Raw Vegetables

2. A Diet Rich That Is In Raw Vegetables

Vegetables in their raw form can do wonders for your eyes health.

They have nutrients, especially vitamin A that acts as a potion for the eyes, resuscitating its health tremendously.

You can add a salad with lemon juice and olive oil sprinkled on top in your daily diet.

But recollect washing the veggies rigorously while eating them raw to prevent other diseases.

There is no point in leaving your eyes intact while nursing an ailing body.

You may also consider few fresh vegetable juices like carrot juice which will greatly advantage for your eye health.

3. Spinach Is Great For Treating Cataract

3. Spinach is Great for Treating Cataract

According to a popular medical journal, spinach can reverse the effects of cataract on the eyes and put it back on the correct track.

Spinach contains a bunch full of beta-carotene and antioxidants.

Since olden times, we have been told time to time to consume more and more spinach and other green leafy vegetables in our daily diet.

One should consume spinach regularly to prevent the formation of cataract in the eyes.

4. Milk and Almonds Can Reduce Irritation And Redness Due To Cataract

4. Milk and Almonds can Reduce Irritation and Redness due to Cataract

Most people who have cataract have eyes that stay irritated and red.

This itself is a significant problem to deal with. To remove the irritation let’s turn to the advantages of almonds and milk.

Make sure that you are utilizing unadulterated milk for this treatment or else better think of some other remedy.

Soak almonds overnight in the milk so that the nutrients penetrate the milk and strengthen it. Take the small teaspoon of milk and apply the milk drops on the eyelids to decrease the redness of the eyes and general irritation.

One should consume the almonds for the clear looking skin as well.

5. Green Tea Can Help You In Improving Vision Problems

5. Green Tea Can Help You in Improving Vision Problems

Green tea is a fantastic source for general eye health and problems related to vision. Green tea can be taken 3-4 times every day to enjoy its health benefits thoroughly.

The antioxidants present in green tea gives your eyes a new surge of life. Green tea can also be taken as tablets and supplements. Seek the advice of a healthcare professional for the right doses.

6. Wheatgrass Can Reverse Cataract Laden Eyes

6. Wheatgrass can Reverse Cataract Laden Eyes

Yes, you heard it right. It’s your good luck that there are a lot of natural treatments that can reverse the effects of cataract on your eyes. Incorporating wheatgrass juice in your daily diet or taking wheatgrass supplements daily can remove the haze from your eyes.

This has already been tested on dogs and is being tested on humans too for its efficacy on the eyes. In the meanwhile, do your own research and come up with definite answers.

7. Bilberry Is A Great Natural Remedy From The Strong Berry Family

7. Bilberry is a Great Natural Remedy from the Strong Berry Family

Berries contain strong antioxidant properties that are used for healing some life-threatening diseases. Cataract is thankfully not life-threatening.

But if the haziness of vision can be removed with bilberry, nothing better than that! Bilberries are generally rich in anthocyanosides. These flavonoids protect the eye lens and retina of the eyes from the destruction that is caused by oxidation.

8. Papaya To Digest Protein And Prevent Cataracts

8. Papaya to Digest Protein and Prevent Cataracts

Papain is an amazing enzyme that is found in papayas is called to aid protein digestion. Many patients who are suffering from cataract have difficulty or incapacity in digesting protein in the body well. This protein can cloud the lens of your eyes and lead to critical cataract formations.

Papain can be taken as a supplement or in the form of tablets if you have cataract and want to prevent further episodes of cataract effectively.

9. Intake of Vitamin C can Prevent Your Cataract Formations

9. Intake of Vitamin C can Prevent Your Cataract Formations

Enhancing the intake of vitamin C as supplements or else tablets and also through the diet will have a reversing effect on cataract formations. Vitamin C contains an antioxidant property that helps in treating and avoiding the occurrences of cataract.

It is one of the exciting things to note that the lens of the eyes consists the maximum concentration of vitamin C than any other part of the body. If you are identified with a cataract, you can start taking vitamin C supplements after consulting your ophthalmologist.

What Are The Treatments For Cataracts?

Unfortunately, the only impactful treatment for cataracts is safe surgery. What the surgery does is remove the clouded lens to allow proper flow of light to return to the retina once more. In most cases, the imperfect lens is restored with a lens implant.

These implants are clear and are made specifically to mimic the anatomy of the lens of the eye. In some cases, lens reestablishment is not necessary. If this is the case, corrective lenses such as contacts or glasses can correct the vision after the clouded lens is removed.

The success rate of cataract removal surgery is phenomenal. Ninety-five percent of people who are treated in this manner have enhanced vision with little to no problems.

As from the above information you can see, there are a few essential steps you can take to help protect your vision and prevent cataracts naturally.

Lifestyle habits and the right chosen food for cataracts are excellent natural home remedies for cataracts in the eyes.

Now it is the time to give your eyes good care and also attention to aid your vision to stay clear and sharp in your senior years.

Garlic Oil Capsules

2 thoughts on “Know All About Cataract – What It Is And When To Treat It?

  1. Victoria Addington says:

    Thanks for helping me learn about cataracts. We just found out that our grandma has one when we went for a checkup the other week. However, we were advised to find an ophthalmologist to do the surgery, which is why we’re looking for a reputable one online. I never knew that the procedure is about the removal of the clouded lens to bring back the flow of light to the retina. Hopefully, we can find a good one here in our area that can perform the treatment procedure.

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