Tag Archives: Emotional Wellness

The Internet Of Healthy Things

Internet Of Healthy Things

Have you ever searched the internet about the internet? Well if you are here, that means you did it! Everybody goes on about how the internet is bad for you because you spend too much time on it or how it affects your eyes or even how it affects you mentally. But little do people […]

How Does Family Play An Important Role In Health?

Family And Health

When we talk about family, the first thing that comes to our mind is the people who live with us. You may or may not share a home, blood relation or even for that matter any geographical location, but you still feel the sense of family with these people. According to sociology, humans are social […]

5 Dimensions of wellness

5 Dimensions of wellness

‘Being healthy’ – what does that mean to you? Perhaps there are only 2 answers found for this until now. First – Being healthy indicates that a person doesn’t have any illness Second – Being healthy means a person watches what he/she eats and follows regular exercise It actually makes sense to most of the […]