How to Take Care of Your Health- Your Priceless Treasure

Health Is Ttruly, Wealth

There’s no need of a second telling about how invaluable your health and wellbeing is. It is, in fact, the first key to living your life to its full potential.

What good is all the gold in the world if you are afflicted with aches, pains and worries?

None my friend, none of these worldly riches matter, if you do not carry a sound health of mind and body.

How to maintain good health is not an unknown science, yet so many times, it gets difficult to actually implement the good practices.

You already know about good nutrition, fresh air, safe water and clean garments, and there’s no doubt you try your best to keep troubles and stress from taking over your peace.

Nonetheless, it is difficult to maintain a steady lifestyle with little to moderate tension and you, more often than not, experience the dearth of contentment and a feeling of well-being.


Taking Care Of Yourself

Tending to your needs and comfort, and showering some TLC need not be a far-fetched ambition. With a little extra planning, you can go about and bring balance to your personal and professional lives, thereby getting the best of both worlds.

Each day is a chance to doing something new, and may today’s resolution be to indulge in yourself, guilt-free and without stress.

Tips for a healthy life need not be expensive or demanding every time. These can include making small changes like replacing junk food with foods to eat for a healthy gut; or ditching the car for a nice long walk in the weekend mornings.

happy fit healthy woman jumping for joy


This one speaks for itself. A night of deprived sleep is tricky to refill.

A popular misconception, not surprisingly due to being pressed for time, is to think sleeping more the next night will make up for the loss of the previous one.

But try explaining that to feeling groggy even the next day, and making simple mistakes in mundane daily tasks.

Adults need an average of 8 to 10 hours each night to make up for all the wear and tear the body endures throughout the day. ‘That is a lot, I cannot afford to sleep that much,’ you may be wondering.

This is where power naps come in! Short naps, ranging from 15-20 minutes, work amazingly when it comes to resetting your mind while being challenged with a daunting task in the middle of the day. It does not seem like much, but it can make a big difference in the before and the after of your power nap.


King, Prince, Pauper: The Right Mantra For Meals

Admit it, to get a few more precious minutes of coveted sleep, you often run late and skip breakfast on your way out. This is as bad as seizing one of the basic needs of any fellow human. You wouldn’t let your child starve, so why treat yourself the same? Breakfast is essentially the most important meal of the day, functioning as the major pit-stop of a long trip wherein you load up your supplies and head out for an epic voyage. Energy-producing food, like an apple in the morning, is much healthier than your beloved coffee. It has the same potential to wake you up and keep you alert without the caffeine overkill- which is more than likely to happen as you try to focus on your work while fighting the urge to nap. brkfst

Foods to eat for healthy life is easy to work out- make your plate as colorful as you can, including green (for vitamin B), yellow and orange (for vitamin A rich compounds like beta-carotenoids and also for vitamin C), cereals and roughage (for fiber), lentils and lean meat or fish (for protein) and of course healthy fat foods like nuts and avocado.

Ease up on lunch and refrain from complex food groups at dinner. The simpler and “poorer” your night meals, the more light and springy you’ll feel the next day.


Flexing those cramped muscles and striding briskly several times during the day will not just ease the contracted fibers in your limbs, but also release beta-endorphins, our “happy hormones”.

If keeping up with a regular gym schedule is too demanding, improvise and act on the go- walk up the stairs, get off the bus one stop earlier, refrain from sitting continuously for more than an hour at a time and get up to walk around the work floor for a quick 5-minute break.

step aerobics with dumbbells

Talk To Someone

You now know about the attention your body needs, but what about your mind? It is next to impossible to have a cheerful commute every single day, or an undisrupted working schedule when you consider the extreme demand for performance and progress.

Several times in a week, it is highly likely to have become annoyed or having faced obstacles while trying to skillfully complete your passionate work.

Over time, these small disappointments accumulate to pits of swirling negative energy and can sap away your enthusiasm and efficiency.

Talk to a friend, meet up with a professional, or make use of the several helpful online therapy sites where you can get a patient listening ear to any grudge or disappointed emotions you may be harboring.

Smile more often. It is a well-known fact that even if you fake a smile, your brain automatically turns on positive feelings.

Keep small happy mementos on your desk, tune into your favorite music, spend half an hour watching silly videos- do anything that you don’t actively have to spend on. The simpler the indulgence, the more the smile factor it carries!



Smile more often. It is a well-known fact that even if you fake a smile, your brain automatically turns on positive feelings.

Keep small happy mementos on your desk, tune into your favorite music, spend half an hour watching silly videos- do anything that you don’t actively have to spend on. The simpler the indulgence, the more the smile factor it carries!


Step Up Your Feel-Good Rhythm

There hasn’t been a longer ongoing quest known to man, than how to live a healthy life.

You know it, we know it, that tips for a healthy life are always available- we only need to lean back and restart our weary minds once in a while to see where we are lacking.

With that said, you couldn’t do a better favor to yourself today, than to pledge taking better care of yourself!

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