Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Binge Eating Disorder- An Eating Disorder Related To Psychiatric Problem

The new known disorder of eating is known as Binge eating disorder. Disorders related to eating are regarded as serious health disorders. The emotional and thinking process of man lead to the path of adopting certain eating habits. These are very much harmful to human body. Overeating and starvation are such harmful habits. Many people […]

Anorexia Nervosa- A Frequent Eating Disorder That Do Not Have Any Medicine

Anorexia Nervosa is precisely a kind of eating disorder. Those suffering from anorexia usually tend to have extreme fear from gaining weight. They limit the food amount severely and grow dangerously thin. Anorexia affects the body as well as the mind. It can start simply with dieting, later it goes out of one’s own control. The […]

Sea Buckthorn Oil Omega 3 6 7 9 Fatty Acids Supplement: Dose Of Healthy Lifestyle

What is it? Do not get confused with the name “sea buckthorn” because it does not derive from the sea and it is actually a fruit which mainly grows in the coastal and mountainous areas of Europe and Asia. It is a shrub, which belongs to Elaeagnaceae family. The benefits of the seeds are incredible […]

Get The Glowing Skin With Natural Aloe Vera Face Gel

I have seen people plant Aloe Vera in their terrace garden but, how many of you actually utilize the benefits of this miracle plant? Aloe vera is a natural plant that shows a lot of impact on the human body if taken regularly. let’s see the amazing facts of Aloe Vera. It is mostly grown […]

Evening Primrose Oil Supplement: Combat Your Premenstrual Symptoms

Evening Primrose comes from Onagraceae family and it will grow in the wild area. You can see hundreds of brown seeds that are tiny in size. The oil comes from these seeds and it ranges from 12%-30% with the help of the cold pressure, fatty oil will be obtained and it is very much effective. […]

6 Health Benefits Of Krill Oil

What are Krills? Krills are small crustacean animals which are often confused with shrimps. Krills are found in the ocean, where the water is relatively colder than other places. Krills are consumed by the large animals of the ocean like Whales, Penguins, Seals, and Squids, etc. Hence, krills are an important part of the oceanic […]

Krill Oil Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplement – Keep Your Cholesterol Worries At Bay

  The irregular diet that we follow along with our hectic lifestyle has made stress, tension and fatigue a regular affair in our life. As such we suffer from weighing gain or obesity, hair fall, rise in cholesterol level, dull, dry skin and so on. It is not possible for us to completely give up […]

Black Seed Oil Supplement – The Right Ingredient For The Perfect Health

What is it? Black seed is a plan with multifarious benefits. This seed has made its presence felt some 2000 years back. The benefits of this seed are so many that they are not only super effective but irreplaceable as well. Are you suffering from a toothache, dysentery, headache, low menstrual flow? Well, Black seed […]

Herbal Hair Oil – Give “Life” To Your Tresses

What is it? Stress and tension is one of the primary reasons for hair loss. Our hectic lifestyle leaves us with very little time to take care of ourselves. The dirt, dust and grime along with sweat leads to an unclean scalp which in turn leads to dandruff and itchiness and further hair loss. Hence, […]

Natural Neem Aloe Vera Face Moisturizing Lotion – Let Your Skin Heal And Glow

Do you moisturize your skin every day? If you don’t, you should do it. Both men and women can find the multiple numbers of benefits in using high-quality body moisturizer every day. Are you suffering from skin problems? Are acne and skin eruptions a regular affair? There are high chances that you have oily skin […]