Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

8 Best Homemade Face Packs for Oily Skin Type

facepacks for oily skin

Skin is the largest organ of the body that forms the outer covering for the rest of the organs, muscles and tissues. It is exposed to pollution, harsh chemicals and UV rays of the sun day in and day out. It is our duty to provide special care for our skin to keep it in […]

Best 5 Healthy Breakfast Recipes That Promote Weight Loss

Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss

The proverb, ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper’ is often quoted by many. However, it is often discarded to be an old wives tale. With hectic schedules each morning, breakfast usually tends to fall low on our priority list. To resolve this, we bring you quick and […]

10 Reasons Why You Should Walk Everyday to be Fit

Health Benefits of Walking

Forget running and walk to your fitness – an amazing aerobic exercise that helps in weight loss and improves overall health by reducing the chances of developing chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. 30 minutes of moderately brisk walking for at least 5 days a week can […]

12 Ways of Fighting Depression and Mood Swings In Teenagers

Fighting Depression and Mood Swings In Teenagers

Have you ever wondered that your unhappy teen might be actually experiencing teen mental depression? Findings show that out of every eight teens, one teen suffers from teen depression. Yes, even for a well-adjusted teen, adolescent can be a difficult phase in life. Depression can strike both the adults and teenagers alike. However, young people […]

Best Breast Enhancement Exercises and Natural Food Remedies

Dietary Changes

Many women aspire to have larger and firmer breasts. This is because bigger breasts not only makes them more appealing to men, but also gives them more self-confidence. The most popular and the best way to enhance breast size is breast surgeries. However, these days’ women are quite unwilling to go for breast surgeries considering […]

10 Dangerous Effects of Stress on Mind and Body

Effects of Stress on Mind and Body

Stress is a normal reaction to emergency situations, and there is no way to escape it. But in the present hectic lifestyle that calls for constant work pressure to meet deadlines, stress has turned into a chronic problem that is leading to various diseases. It is said that stress is the leading cause of infertility […]