Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

Is Career More Important To You Than Health?


It’s natural to push health to the bottom of the long list of things that we would like to achieve, especially when other needs such as paying rent, doing laundry, pursuing hobbies, and spending time with our family seem to be more pressing. But we are convinced that anyone who’s turned around their health, be […]

What Seeds And Nuts Are Good For Weight Loss?


We all know that we should eat a lot of fruits and veggies, and many of us also should know the importance of eating whole grains for optimal health. Still struggling to keep up with the fact that you are overweight? Work out is not ‘working out’ for you. Then it’s time to pause and […]

What Does Mayonnaise Do To Your Body?

Many people perceive Mayonnaise as the “bad” food laden with artery-clogging saturated fat. For many years we were told to “hold the mayo,” but is it really as bad a food choice as it is supposed to? There’s no iota of doubt that mayo is brimming with fat. Just if one cup of mayo is […]

What Constant Exposure To Negative News Is Doing To Our Mental Health?

Knowing what is happening throughout the world and in one’s place is of immediate concern to anyone who cares for himself and the world at large. Today, with a flood of news channels and the Internet sites, there’s been no dearth of news of any sort anywhere. One can simply at the touch of their […]

What Are The Most Important Things In A Relationship?

Love is the most pleasant thing in the world to happen for anyone that has the potential to literally land oneself in another world filled with more love, happiness, and an abounding joy that can heal any wound and create a very beautiful person from within. However, our relationships should erase our tears, not our […]

Health Hacks Everyone Should Know

Good health is for a long life that requires a lot of discipline and dedication to maintain it lifelong. One can simply be healthy and happy if some basic principles are taken care of in life. There are health maniacs and fitness freaks who cannot live without following the best health mantra that they know […]

L-Carnitine: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, Bodybuilding & Weight Loss

L- Carnitine is a micronutrient obtained from amino acids and is discovered in almost all the cells of your body. The word, “carnitine” arrives from the Latin word “carnus,” meaning meat, because it was first isolated from meat in the year 1905. L- Carnitine produces energy in the cells by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria […]

What Does L-Carnitine Do For Bodybuilding?

L-carnitine has slowly gained popularity as an effective pre-workout supplement since the ‘80s. However, in modern years it has progressively been substituted by different types of pre-workout drinks and fat burner carrying caffeine. Even though it’s been recovering its place in the fitness world, it has yet to overcome other more famous pre-workout products well […]

What Should I Drink In The Morning To Lose Weight?

Weight loss is one of the main health issues faced not just by the youth but even more so with the elderly and middle-aged people. For those who lack discipline and the required patience, weight loss seems to be as much a long daunting process. However, if one cannot be persistent in their weight loss […]

What Are The Types Of L-Carnitine & Its Food Sources?

Do you want to get rid of your health issues quickly?  If yes, then L-carnitine is the best, quickest and safest answer and remedy for you. L-carnitine has been acquiring the attention of individuals trying to good health. In fact, you will see amazing reviews if you do some research regarding this wonderful health supplement. […]