Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

10 Must Known Health Benefits Of Coq10

10 Must Known Health Benefits Of Coq10

CoQ10 is fat-soluble antioxidant that is naturally produced in human bodies that is stored in the mitochondria of your cells and obtained from dietary sources. The mitochondria are in charge of producing energy. They also protect cells from oxidative damage and disease-causing bacteria or viruses. Few antioxidants generally help reduce and prevent cell damage. CoQ10 […]

What Are The Benefits Of Using Liver Support Supplement?


The liver is responsible for many important factors which affect the entire human body. Some of these include cleansing the blood of harmful contaminants and breaking down exhausted haemoglobin cells, regulating hormones such as insulin which controls blood sugar and energy levels, storage of vitamins and also few minerals, production of bile for digestion of […]

Proven Benefits Of Using Heart Care Supplement For Your Healthy Heart

Proven Benefits of Using Heart Care Supplement For Your Healthy Heart

The heart is one of the hardest working muscles in the body. The average heart beats 100,000 times a day, day and night, to supply oxygen and also nutrients throughout the body. Blood that is pumped through the heart also shuttles waste products such as carbon dioxide to the lungs so it can be eliminated […]

Top 6 Benefits Of Hair Support Capsules For Your Healthy Hair

Top 6 Benefits Of Hair Support Capsules For Your Healthy Hair

Many women generally desire to have long lush hair that they can wear with pride. Unfortunately, in this world with today’s pollution, poor eating habits, and also a sedentary lifestyle, the hair follicles aren’t getting the nutrition and support needed to provide a full healthy head of hair. This can also lead to dry, brittle […]

15 Unique Health Benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre

16 Unique Health Benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema sylvestre grows in the southern and central tropical forests of India. The leaves of this woody climbing plant have been used in India for a long time. Its nickname is the “sugar destroyer” because of its purported ability to suppress sweet tastes. This herb has been used in traditional medicine As all should know […]

How Triphala Is Helpful For Your Health?

How Triphala Is Helpful For Your Health?

While the world has evolved and also changed, the cures, recipes, and also home remedies stated in health have stood the test of time. Today, with increasing awareness about health and side effects of allopathic medicines, using kitchen herbs, spices, and condiments for treatment is becoming an increasingly attractive option. One of the many home […]

21 Top Health Benefits Of Using Licorice

What is Licorice? Licorice root or liquorice comes from the Glycyrrhiza plant species and is valued for its rich flavor. It derives from Greek, glycyrrhiza which means ‘sweet root’.  This herb is native to Southern Europe and Asia and is referred to as ‘sweet root’, attributing to a component called glycyrrhizin present in its root […]

15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Brahmi Extract

15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Brahmi Extract

Brahmi is often also known as water hyssop, it is a good-looking perennial herb that is generally found along the marshes and muddy shores. Scientifically, this herb is known as “Bacopa Monnieri” which is a Latin word. In English language, Brahmi herb is known as Indian pennywort or Thyme Leaved Gratiola also herb of grace. […]

What Are The Impressive Health Benefits Of Noni Juice?

What Are The Impressive Health Benefits Of Noni Juice?

People with long-term chronic diseases sometimes see Noni juice as a last resort. Even though we know that Noni juice seems to have helped many sufferers with their condition, we can only recommend that people start taking Noni as a health beverage to supplement their diet. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth […]

14 Hidden Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Nature is the best medicine. Any illness is an indication of being out of balance with nature. By the use of natural herbs, one can certainly keep the diseases at bay and also overcome many disorders of the body as natural medications act as permanent remedies and also supports in leading a balanced and healthy […]