Author Archives: Mukta Agrawal

The Major Importance Of Breastfeeding Beyond Basic Nutrition In An Infant’s Early Growth

It is said that the best gift of God to a mother is her baby. Truly your baby is the reflection of your motherhood. And the best gift of a mother to her baby is the breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide ideal food for your baby. It is the key to the […]

Try This Iron Rich Date & Chia Pudding Which Will Make Your Day

Energy is an essential thing for a human being. It is the perquisite to keep a human being function. That’s what we want, that’s what we need, but we don’t always get it. When we’re energized, the unmanageable seems achievable and your frantic life feels like suave cruising. So what indispensable part of your diet […]

Golden Advice To First-Time Mothers On The Significances On Breastfeeding

“There is no substitute for a mother’s milk”, is undoubtedly a fact that many people started accepting now for the benefits of their infants. Breast milk is a nourishment for all the newborns that helps them in raising since the immemorial time. It helps in the healthy growth of the infants. Usually, breast milk is […]

5 Muscle Building Foods For Vegetarians

Dreaming  for a six pack body and to stay fit through a vegetarian diet and hard to find the right alternatives. That’s a general misconception that body building and vegetarian foods do not work together and restively  adopt for  non vegetarian foods .It is a myth circulated around and believed  that  vegetarian foods do not […]

What To Eat During Pregnancy? An Overview

What To Eat During Pregnancy? An Overview

A pregnant woman needs to safeguard that her diet delivers adequate nutrients and energy for her baby to grow and Develop properly, and also to make sure that her body is strong enough to deal with the variations that are happening. A pregnant woman’s calorie consumption matures during pregnancy. Nevertheless, this does not correspond that […]

5 Best Nail Polish Brands You Can Use Without Worries

Who would deny looking beautiful? Most of the women would love to groom themselves. Nail polish is one of the essential makeover along with the cosmetics that can show a girl confident and beautiful inside and out. If you splash the colors which you love, in fact, this is the best way to do it, […]

Foods You Should Add To Your Diet To Enhance Sexual Health

Foods You Should Add To Your Diet To Enhance Sexual Health

Libido-Boosting Foods If you want to put some sputter back into your sex life, food can support you set the mood. There’s nothing better than a loving, home-cooked dinner, featuring some –mind blowing foods to help turn up the hotness. There’s a growing body of indication that some of the vitamins and constituents in foods […]

The Symptoms Of Pregnancy And It’s Trimesters

The Symptoms Of Pregnancy And It’s Trimesters

If you ever start wondering that you got a baby on board, just pay close attention to your body. Because it will help you to identify the symptoms. You may think to drop into a nearby drug store or you may schedule an appointment with the doctor. But at times, the initial stage of pregnancy […]

How Facial Yoga Can Reduce Wrinkles Caused Due To Stress

How Facial Yoga Can Reduce Wrinkles Caused Due To Stress

If you are planning to do a buttox surgery to vanish the wrinkles in your face, just stop there. There is a simple way to banish the wrinkles without syringes and tablets. You can call it in whichever term you want, as facial yoga or face fitness or aerobics. From long time people works out […]

Meals You Can Have To Help You Nap Better At Night

You must hear the popular proverb that ‘a good nap is better than medicine.‘ Yes, a good sleep helps you to reduce multiple health risks. People become very cranky, moody or get annoyed for even minute things if the nap is not enough. Multiple health journals say that an adult person must have 7-8 hours […]