Category Archives: Beauty

Razor Burns Are Painful, So Here’s How To Prevent Them


Shaving is one of the quickest ways to get rid of the unwanted hair, but it also has its added drawbacks. One of such drawbacks is the razor burn. Razor burn is defined as skin irritation which happens after shaving an area. It is incorporated with redness and sometimes swelling too. The burning sensation of […]

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

There is just no shortcut to growing out long and luscious strands. On an average, hair grows about ½ an inch every month. Many factors contribute to it and affect the rate of their growth. This includes your well-being, genetic factors general health. The growth rate can be increased by maintaining healthy hair with a […]

Home Remedies For Dandruff That Really Work

Dandruff! Dandruff! Ashamed of opening your hair in parties? Does this dandruff kill your mood? Are you fed up of this dandruff and scalp irritation? This winter say by bye to dandruff and apply these easy and simple home remedies. Many of you think that home remedies are boring and long process to get rid […]

8 Tips To Improve Digestive System

8 Tips to Improve Digestive System

Indigestion is a problem faced by individuals in most households. The old theory was that indigestion is caused due to overeating when the food particles are not digested as soon as they are eaten. But in modern times, it is seen that indigestion has many other root causes. Indigestion can cause stomach aches and gastric […]

Healthy Food for Healthy Skin

Are you fed up with your oily skin? Do you hate the fact that you still get pimples in your mid-twenties? Is your skin used to chipping and dry patches? Well if the answer to any or all those questions is a yes, then you must realise that your skin needs immediate help. Your lifestyle […]

Best Acne Home Remedies

Acne is one of the most pestering troubles faced by youngsters, especially in their teen years. With time acne leaves most people, but for some poor souls, this is not the case. People even in their mid-40s can face the acute issue of acne breakouts. Whether you say o aloud or not, this can be […]

Best Homemade Beauty Tips For Fair Skin

Almost maximum people have that craving to know beauty tips for fair skin. Though there are a number of beauty products available on the market, but many individuals refrain themselves from using such cosmetic products. Also, there are many products that claim them to be herbal and free from any type of chemicals, but still […]

What Are The Different Health Benefits Of Drinking Water In The Morning?

We keep complaining about things like getting pimples and having digestive issues. It is because of our unhealthy lifestyle that these things occur. We seriously complicate things when it comes to our health. There is a secret to a healthy lifestyle, a secret that does not come at a cost nor is time-consuming. The secret […]

How To Experience The Magical Wonders Of Coconut Oil Supplement

Remember our childhood days when our grandmother and mother ran after us with a bottle of coconut oil so that our hair becomes strong and healthy. Actually, coconut has many benefits in the form oil, milk and nowadays even in the form of supplement. It is good for hair and as well as for all […]

Top 6 Benefits of Hibiscus Anti Hair Fall Shampoo

One of the major problems that most of us face irrespective of our gender is hair fall. Some experience minor hair fall while some experience major hair fall which can even lead to baldness. You might experience hair fall due to a variety of reasons. Itchy scalp, dandruff, oily scalp, accumulation of dirt, dust and […]