Category Archives: Health

Easy Balanced Diet Chart For Good Food Habits And A Healthy Life

healthy living

We all want to have a healthy food habit, but what makes a food habit healthy? Isn’t it confusing to determine whether we have a healthy food habit and follow a daily diet chart? Today I will be giving you a balanced diet chart which can surely assure you a healthy food habit. Being a […]

What Is The Best Diet For A Diabetic To Go On?

diet for diabetes

In India diabetes is not an unknown term these days, the frequency of diabetes is rising at an alarming rate. A metabolic state wherein the blood sugar levels rise above the average count is one of the easier explanations for diabetes. However, there is the number of other implications and effects of this disease one […]

Whey Protein: One Solution for Weight Gain and Weight Loss

protein powder for weight gain

“I am 10 kg underweight. How do I gain weight?” “I want to have a muscular body, what should I do?” “My goal is to lose 20 kg weight in 6 months. Is there anyway?” These are a few health queries that I almost every day. You’ll be surprised to know that I suggest one […]

6 Effective Natural Remedies for Tonsillitis

Home remedies for tonsillitis

During seasonal changes, most of us are prone to various bacterial and viral infections like cold, influenza, etc. But, certain infections sometimes aggravate the condition by infecting other organs in the body like tonsils. Tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissue that are located at the back of your throat. They trap the germs that can […]

Try These Delicious And Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies At Home!

chocolate chip cookies recipe

You need not worry about the effects of chocolate on health as it too has many health benefits. Many researchers have claimed chocolate to be one of the healthy foods, loaded with antioxidants. The antioxidant property of chocolates helps you to fight wrinkles, stress and fat. Chocolates are also good for the functioning of vital organs. So, […]

7 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Miscarriage

Miscarriage reasons

Pregnancy is truly a beautiful and splendid experience in a woman’s life. While there are some who may not completely agree with it, we believe that the delicate beauty of the entire experience cannot be ignored in the face of the difficulties a woman has to go through physically and hormonally. When you think about […]

Benefits of the Kiwi Fruit – Enjoy this Super Fruit Today!

kiwi fruit benefits

The Kiwifruit, also known as a super fruit, is a nutritional powerhouse of abundant essential vitamins and minerals. A kiwi fruit contains more amount of vitamin C than an orange. It also contains about 15% of your daily recommended dosage of dietary fiber. In addition to the fiber and vitamin C benefits, kiwi also delivers significant […]